And she looks more beautiful without her makeup.
And she looks more beautiful without her makeup.
Nicole’s actually pretty adorable.
I saw this headline and just went “no no no no no.”
This will ensure any woman who considers reporting a sexual assault remains in her terrified silence for all eternity.
I’m having issues too — I see a tiny rectangle that appears to show the top of an image for each set of images, and it KILLS me on these because I want to see the pictures inspiring the words.
yeah :( these posts always have picture problems and its a bummer because i NEED to see them
are the pictures of the girls being all spazzy and wobbly for anyone else? or did i really have a rage stroke from the earlier news today and my vision is damaged?
Agreed! Hopefully the staff at Pornhub will do the same for me if I have a stroke from too much you-know-what and go silent.
Well done, staff of Dominos. Just goes to show ya, there are actually a lot of decent people in the world, even if it might seem otherwise sometimes.
I am so sad about all the people who don't know who Jenny Slate is because that most likely means they've never watched Kroll Show or Parks and Rec and their lives must be so empty.
212 is such a good song, you horrible, awful, racist, garbage fire.
Hey, that’s Catherine Deneuve. She can be pretentious if she wants to be.
God, it’s like you don’t even watch the Real Houswives of Anywhere.
no man, it’s a crazy straw and she is my kind of girl.
Holy shit, I LOVE THAT.
Tangentially related. Apparently Azelia Banks’s Twitter tantrum from yesterday got her kicked off some UK music festival she was (inexplicably) headlining.
My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:
God I loved his character. Casting Jenny as his sister was pretty brilliant. First onscreen siblings who I truly bought.
Think of it as a kind of legal side eye. “We know you the chances you did this are very high, but for some reason we don’t think we can prove it in court. Sign this so we at least have a paper trail in case you choose to be an asshole again.”