
Now I’m sad cause there are no more Happy Endings. :-(

i think you are just viewing them accurately bb

First of all, she is amazing for giving her all to this experiment. I hope that science advances far enough that face transplants (or 3D-printing faces!!) are a real possibility for everybody.

I mean, how could you tell? That’s Nikki’s regular everyday look. She always, always looks miserable, like someone just stole her Halloween candy. I think deep down, she’s a very unhappy person.

He did Demi even less of a favor.

Dr. Phil is the woooooorst and he’s only moderately redeeming himself in my eyes by giving Amber Rose a new platform for her voice.

luxurious curls

The NIH is bigger on the inside.

I think cookbooks are good for getting ideas and/or looking at pretty pictures, but for actual recipes - hello internet

I had to stop buying cookbooks for the very reason listed above. They were tabletop books, not usable at all. Granted, they were great to read, but Mario Batali’s book was so pretty I didn’t want to get it near food. Alton Brown and any of Steven Raichlen’s BBQ books were interesting and functional. Anymore, it is

Maybe they each gave 110%?

I had a mental image of a creature composed totally of adipose tissue. A sentient blob of the lost weight.

Courtney Stodden is my favorite trainwreck to follow. She’s so weirdly at peace being bizarre while trying to be sexy while trying to be a grownup.

I think he tries to use his voice to support women and feminism. He’s actively making an effort to learn and grow, while using his sizable platform and advantage. Sure, it never feels good to be told you’re doing something wrong, but he seems sincere and keeps trying. So, I like him.

I agree. My grandmother struggled and died from dementia. It's a tragedy that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Whenever he comes up the word that leaps to mind is “puppyish”. Like, he’s not doing anything wrong (in my view), just maybe a little over-enthusiastic and clumsy.

As someone whose grandparents both suffered from dementia, I certainly don’t think it’s a laughing matter (but hey, different strokes for different folks), but I find it even worse that Ferrell would use a real historical figure for this, particularly one whose immediate family is still alive. It just seems incredibly

I think it's just really rare to see a guy who sympathises and is willing to understand the issues. Like, I can't help it, I want to marry him.

Hold up, I got a better one: