
Pretty much all police helicopters have a infrared/FLIR and a visual spectrum camera, both with zoom. That and also a giant spotlight... If you can see them, they can see you.

The point is, just because it's "simple" doesn't mean it can't break. It also doesn't mean it will be cheap. Plus a small sample size is better than no sample size, which is what most people use when speculating about the reliability of electric windows.

I've had the metal rod that comes out of the door for the window crank sheer in half. Not the plastic handle attached to it by a tiny pin, the freaking metal rod... so I don't believe that a manual crank is any more reliable anymore.

I have never had power windows break on me. I have however had a manual crank window break... the metal rod that comes out of the winding mechanism(which is attached to a plastic freaking handle) sheered in half. Not the handle, the metal rod. Cost $500 to fix, on a 2003 Ford Focus.

Jack Daniels is expensive?!

Manual and brown I hope!

A manual 228i with sport or M package does seem like it would be an amazing daily driver. I'm pretty disappointed that it seems like most of the focus has been on the M235i. I'm not sure if that's all BMW gave out to journos, or if journalists just focused heavily on it. Although a used Cayman S around $35 is pretty

I would love it if you'd write up a bit comparing these two cars. I currently drive an RX8, which from what I can tell is likely similar to the FRS. (Both cars were praised for great transmissions, steering feel, responsiveness, lightness, etc... but everyone also complained about both not being fast enough or having

Okay so apparently tons of other vehicles they tested, including the X4 and Evoque, did not demonstrate the same behavior.... yet they don't seem to have any videos comparing/demonstrating that?

While it's good news the church appears to be properly thinking about these things, at the same time I can't help but feel like it's all silly. A bunch of out of touch old people in Italy, which technically don't have any control of the situation, talking about wether or not they want to accept gay people.... while

Why doesn't this post have more stars?!

It's not about being offensive. It's about risk and liability. The fact of the matter is, how can you tell if he is telling the truth or if he is lying? I agree this may be an extreme case, but unlike terrorism there are pretty big shows if some one has Ebola. There are early symptoms as well as tests for anti-bodies

The official CDC numbers are still around 50%, which to my knowledge is recorded cases. Regardless, the point is, don't joke about it in a metal tube with hundreds of stressed out people, and you'll be left alone. It's pretty simple. You don't say the word bomb in an airport, you don't talk about ebola in an airport,

Look, if you have a problem with this, take it up with the supreme court. You can't scream "fire" in a crowded space, and you can't cry wolf on one of the most feared diseases in the world currently for yucks:

I would be interested in where you had heard that. According to the nytimes:

In previous outbreaks yeah, the mortality rate was MUCH higher. However this 2014 outbreak has been handled much better, and the mortality rate in the countries of origin is around 50%:

No he didn't, however I'm not sure using the logic "people who are flying with ebola will hide that fact perfectly, therefore any comments about it should be ignored" is completely solid. I don't disagree this case may have been somewhat of an over reaction, but again, this is not something to joke about in a big

Keep in mind that the first Ebola death in the US was from a guy who lied about having come in contact with the disease. There are certain things that shouldn't be joked about, and wether you have a disease with a 50% mortality rate in about a month, while on a crowded plane with hundreds of people, is probably not

Considering the first death from ebola in the us was from a guy who flat out lied about wether he had been in contact with a carrier... trusting some one who says "no wait, i'm just joking!" doesn't really work.

RX7 has a 2 rotor wankel rotary engine. The 787B has a 4 rotor... so kinda 2 RX7 motors stuck to end. Otherwise yeah, open header wise, they tend to sound kinda like bee's. Very ANGRY bee's.