
Yeah, the other witness is dead. Which sucks for the case, but unfortunately the law doesn't work the way you wish it does.

Yep, minus the stand your ground bit. It was discussed during the trial, however the defense decided against enacting it. GZ was found innocent using standard self defense laws, which apply to almost all the US states.

There's no evidence GZ did either.

He had a conceal and carry permit. It would not have been obvious to Trayvon he was armed until he had already attacked him. Cut and dry.

Thank you. Can people acknowledge the defense DIDN'T FUCKING USE THE STAND YOUR GROUND DEFENSE. They claimed self defense, he didn't get off for that shit law. It was standard laws that apply to the majority of US states.

What did he defend himself of exactly? As a kid I hung out on railroad tracks, storm drains, broke in to abandoned buildings.... I did plenty of sketchy things and had plenty of people accuse me of being sketchy and threatening (and in some cases actually) calling the police. However I, just like Obama, never punched

Following some one (especially for a couple minutes to see what they are doing and what direction they went so you can tell the cops when you are the elected neighborhood watch) isn't illegal. Breaking someones nose with a suckerpunch and bashing their head o the ground is. It's called assault btw. But don't let that

Because it shatters their world to think that a 17 y/o boy can be killed and the killer be innocent. So they have to conclude the killer is guilty and a racist. Also their just regurgitating the shit that is our media rather than reading up on the case.

He was charged with manslaughter, and when that was falling apart the prosecution went for 2nd degree murder. Now the NAACP is trying to make it a civil rights case. Fucking hell.

Obviously. White attacks black, racism. Black attacks white, "that's what black people do".

I agree with everything but this line:

Don't worry, people are already claiming that he was wondering around looking for people to save to look better.

If you think the GZ ruling was correct stay here.

Tell me what did I say that was not true?

It was a gated community which he had been an elected a member of the neighborhood watch. The police department have stated he broke no laws following trayvon, even caring the gun he had a license for. They have even said it was not an order, it was a suggestion, which is clear by the statement "we don't need you to

Calm down... wow! I hit a nerve.

Lets be clear here... the charges against the officer were dropped. There was no charges or evidence about attacking his girlfriend, just a restraining order to which Zimmerman requested one on her as well. Both were granted.

I usually agree with stuff you post, however I think GZ did not deserve the 25 years to life sentence he had been facing.

Trayvon is dead because he assaulted Zimmerman who defended himself to full extent of the law. That's what happened.

I didn't come across that when I was reading up on it.... but at the end of the day this isn't about racism. Even if there was some level of racial profiling by Zimmerman(which ironically enough would be profiled as Hispanic by just about anyone, not white), there is zero evidence he consciously chose to cause a