
lol! Maybe if some one liked the way it looks i'd understand..... buuuuut.... i think it looks sick. (Not in a good way).

+1 for owning up to your mistakes. I've had 2 not at fault accidents, and in both cases the other party tried to claim that I was at fault!

Pretty much just looks/soul? I mean, I don't think it looks great myself, but I can totally understand and respect that. I'm sure there are some cars I love for their character that other people think are ugly. (Smiley Mazda's come to mind, I know there was a lot of hate for those).

What do you like about it? I really don't understand the appeal.... as far as I can tell it costs more, is heavier, loses visibility, two rear seats, cargo space, gains a firmer suspension(which you could spec in a cooper), same engine.... and in my opinion is hideous where the cooper is downright cute!

I don't want to be mean, but.... why? Both in pictures and in person it seems incredibly disproportioned.

That's funny, I think the veyron, Huayra, and Agera are very attractive.... while the proportions on the S7 seem kind of off. Also all the vents and gills and flares, it's too busy IMO.

I agree with OP. The S-Type might have been a fantastic car to drive.... but the exterior styling was driving jaguar into the ground. Their new models are gorgeous and I'm starting to see them just as often as the slew of BMW's and Mercedes where I work.

I disagree. I mean it's a shame when the follow up ruins the principles of the original, but it's not always/doesn't have to be like that. The BRZ/FRS/GT86 is a great example of a throwback which keeps it simple and makes a decent drivers car. I think the RX8, while not a porsche eating monster, was a fantastic car

In the case of the charger, and all the flash back muscle cars.... i agree they don't match the classics but they're at least better or more interesting than a lot of other cars out there.

I've driven a first gen one.... and even with tires with chunks of rubber missing and cabling showing..... it didn't feel as terrible as I expected.

I think that the reason that generally women enjoy fashion is due to social conditioning. Fashion and looking good is legitimately fun and can give you a self confidence boost... that makes everyone feel good. However, society generally hold women to higher fashion standards then men. I agree people aren't just sheep

Haha, these are some amazing tips. Just be curt and a bit of a "bitch" and they'll leave you alone!

"men are affected by pragmatic factors, like the availability of products and parking spaces."

+1, my thoughts exactly. Make it legit, give it a business front of house, remove all the sketchy back alley-ness, and suddenly it looks a whole lot more respectable and safe. I get why people have "moral" issues with it..... but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be legitimized.

Wow, that car is gorgeous in that color!

You have to give it to them.... most of that shit IS true.

I'll bike that distance (about 15 miles) every now and then working out.... but at night when it's quite and peaceful! (And cool out!) I would hate to add an extra 1.5-2 hours of commute time to my day.

+1, as a southern California resident, winter means fog in the morning and colder nights.

+1. I'll be a sad panda if it looks like that come september 12th. (Also I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this).

Only if you live in a city. I'm not going to bike 13 miles to work, and public transportation would take three times longer than driving. (Although I still drive stick in traffic).