Pete and Ariana seem like nice kids so I hope if (when) shit goes south it isn’t too rough for them.
Pete and Ariana seem like nice kids so I hope if (when) shit goes south it isn’t too rough for them.
They want it to be a thing. They are staging it to be a thing. But, alas, it is not a thing. I call bullshit. Nick has too many ‘roids on board to be able to satisfy a beautiful creature like Priyanka. She is better than being a beard (particularly with a Jonas).
Good on you, Dwayne. Lordy, I remember nursing my babies and feeling the energy just drain out of me. It would have been amazing to have someone feeding me at the same time!
“Even learning on a campus on which some people defend perpetrators of sexual assault and silence their victims,”
I am willing to bet 100% that it is absolutely not something his kid said.
Teaching your kids that is one thing*, using your kid as a shield so you can shit on some (not so) anonymous woman online to your 27 million followers is another thing entirely. “This woman says ‘like’ and ‘oh my god’ a lot, which even my child can recognize as being the mark of a true idiot!”
Exactly. This was not a sincere question on NPH’s part. This was straight-up an attempt to side-eye, and a supremely dickish move. All I could think when I read that tweet was how utterly snide he was to someone whom he perceived to be beneath him. You don’t find the bits funny? Fine, say something bitchy to your…
If you are sincerely wondering, he could have just asked Siri. He had his damn phone.
...but do you ever mock them to millions of twitter followers before realizing you were supposed to know who they were? Because the worst I’ve ever done to one of my co-worker’s husbands who I’m supposed to know is introduce myself as if I’ve never met them before.
Rachel Bloom: Still the only good celebrity out there.
NPH comes off like such a sexist prick here, he should be humiliated.
How I met you and your husband numerous times but don’t remember.
Oh my god. Her response really is absolutely perfect.
“Into You” is FIRE!
It’s gonna be a long week for you, friend.