
Herpes really isn’t a big deal. Half the population has it and it has no long term consequences (unlike HPV which is also pretty wide spread). Cold sores etc are treatable and a fairly minor inconvenience. Many people who are positive for herpes never have symptoms. With the exception of the shame/anxiety/depression

90% of the world’s human beings are infected with HSV 1 or 2. Close to 100% with another sub type of HSV like Varicella (chiecken pox). They don’t recommend routine screening because the testing offers you knowledge of antibodies which doesn’t reflect viral load nor ability to transmit the virus, and even if you do it

I was listening to a medical podcast and they were talking to an infectious disease doctor.  He said unless there is active symptoms he does not test for herpes.  I am blanking on the rational at the moment but doubt it was just him, as a specialist, being a dumbass about it.  It is also the advice of the CDC to only

It will never cease to amaze me the sheer number of people willing to shield a semi-famous person from taking any accountability for actions that hurt others.

Asking someone to stand up and say, “I did something wrong that hurt someone else and I apologize” - this is not the life-ending burden people keep trying to

Actually, it’s kind of the exact opposite--this shows how very difficult it is to convincingly fake an attack, and how easily the stories of people lying about being assaulted crumble under investigation. Nobody is sincerely equating “believe victims” with “don’t investigate crimes”; that’s a straw man used by rape

Now playing

If you have 13 or so minutes, and you want to see what steel looks like, this is Aly addressing the court at Nassar’s sentencing last year. She is a goddamn hero and, quite frankly, I am amazed by her.

Thanks for the context—I also didn’t know he dated Aly Raisman.

Regarding Colton’s ownership of his former partner’s sexual assault, it’s not clear from this article if you guys are aware, but the ex in question was Aly Raisman, who we all know as one of the most visible victims of that fuck Nassar. Sexual assault victims in general don’t owe anyone a damn thing about their

FYI the ex he’s talking about is almost certainly a well-known former Olympic athlete who has been very open about her experience with abuse, so I don’t think this counts as outing someone.

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

How about... make it through ninth grade.

Now playing

Counterpoint: “SING TO ME, PAOLO” is the greatest line read in the history of cinema.

Awww, Britney, bless. 

Ugh, men. Forget that to any trained ear, those notes make perfect sense melodically and thematically (IMAGINE a world where love exists/where you can sing like this), the legit extraordinary, technical accomplishment of a whistle note should be enough. It’s not cuz ya just can’t unironically be amazed by anything,

I thought it was a good and impressive performance. I was not expecting her to perform the whistle notes in the live versions of the song and thought she nailed it. Why is there a need to criticize it?

I liked I Feel Pretty. Amy Schumer may not be the ugliest duckling. She isn’t fat... but she also isn’t skinny. But that’s not really the point. We often look at ourselves with a more critical eye than we would ever look at our friends and loved ones. We can be so hard on ourselves and it can really hold us. I really

This evening, my friends and I wanted to really experience the feminist side of the internet so we went to Jezebel. There aren’t enough words to describe how awful it was.

Also, did she “sit it out” or was she maybe like... not invited

Ranch dressing is disgusting and I would not trust anyone who claimed it went well with EVERYTHING (!?!?), let alone someone with pretensions to culinary expertise.

HE WORE HIS NAME TAG TO THE INTERVIEW!!! God, Mr. Owens is awesome.