
It’s Wells Adams :)


Ivanka has a lot of nerve supporting the empowerment of women on the anniversary of (non-black) women’s right to vote when she favors a party that wants to limit the control women have over their bodies, a party that has no interest in increasing the minimum wage, a party that is anti-welfare, a party that doesn’t

Really? This isn’t the Hatless I’m used to. Just bc he has a mental health issue doesn’t mean he can’t handle being in a relationship, I don’t get your logic here.

I am so so proud of my beponytailed little donut licker.  I have been bopping to Sweetener on repeat since Friday.  It’s a total jam.  The handful of trap tracks delight me, Sweetener itself has a great melodic line into the chorus, God is a woman has been my shit for a few weeks now, Pharrell added some great stuff

Two true things that are otherwise largely unrelated:

That is such an absurd fucking leap. 

Wow - that is a huge stretch. Invading someone’s privacy by taking a picture up their skirt is a lot different than letting someone eat your ass or vagina in a public setting. I am not saying they should have taken the picture and or published it. But I don’t have much sympathy for people having oral sex in public. Aga

I know him as the guy who did the song with Britney and tried to kiss her onstage at the VMAs, but was hilariously rebuffed.

“more terrifying than a disheveled Roseanne ripping a butt”

Your daily reminder that the United States does NOT have a justice system. We have a legal system. And it is callous as fuck. It continues to trample on the dignity of people everywhere. Especially women and minorities.

Your treatment has made me so angry. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve justice, and I know you’ll ace the bar.

I’ll be damned if I stay with a dude who doesn’t know the names of my pets.

Yeah, this is completely and terrifyingly politically motivated. She’s experienced at this and would know the the preposterous laws governing this state-to-state. The fact that three cops were there is a neon sign with letters twenty feet tall that reads “setup”

Under Ohio law, strippers are not allowed to touch patrons—unless it’s a family member.

I’m assuming everyone needs help. You all need help.

As an *actual* cancer survivor, I am disgusted by this woman. She preyed on the desperate, the sick, and the dying. Because of her, people likely forewent actual evidence-based medicine in favor of her dietary “cure.”

Oh have a heart. He says that now he cant “even go near women”. You know from the trauma. Of sexually assaulting Taylor Swift. Thats why he can’t even go near her entire gender. I suspect he thinks we will be saddened by this development? That he, a woman groper is swearing off being near women?

I love when sexual predators say “well I don’t know how to act around women now!”. You never did friend! That was the problem!

Rather than talk about Elon Musk, let’s make sure people remember Saman Gunan.