
An imbalance of power has nothing to do with virginity, it has everything to do with the positions of power (or lack of power) that both parties hold in the workplace. He was literally the most powerful man in the world and she was an intern, it’s not a equitable sexual relationship.

Oh honey, have I got some news for you!!! :D

I give a flying fuck not only because it’s the epitome of sexist double standards but also because when we ignore men like Clinton, we pave the way for men like Trump and then we wonder how we got here.


It all matters. All of it. A president who won’t speak out about another president and his horrible behavior matters. A president who doesn’t feel that what he did to women matters, because it allows shit like what is happening in our country to happen. It starts with getting away with calling women and people of

I finally got around to watching part of season 1 this weekend (aka how to celebrate pride when you feel like isolating). Episode 4? With AJ? And coming out to his stepmother? Full on snotty-ugly cry-weeping. It’s really sweet.

So y’all are just going to ignore this bit about Pete Davidson; 

her daily breakfast, a kale/blueberry/discarded By the Sea poster/almond milk smoothie

“I can’t fault anyone for what they believe”

I can’t fault anyone for what they believe - Becca Kufrin

The problem is that no matter what Spotify does, people will still be up in arms.

No right answer here. Good on them for bringing the conversation though

It is a messy problem. And I don’t fault Spotify to try to deal with it.

I need Shade Court to return for this! Please Kara!!

I don’t really understand the vitriol directed toward Kardashian in this instance... I mean, if this works, and Johnson is released, well hell. She will have done a lot more to help the universe than I ever have. Obviously, it really sucks that we live in a sick nasty world where a dang celebrity is the only person

My husband and I were dating when we went to Cedar Point. He talked me into riding the Mean Streak. All the way through the line I became increasingly panicked that it was too much and I couldn’t do it, but he kept encouraging me. We got on the ride, and heading up,the first hill I to,d him I was going to pass out

That scene where Emma Thompson goes to her room to compose herself is the most well-acted, heartbreaking scene in the entire movie.

Oh really?! Why don’t you ask Emma Thompson’s character in Love Actually about him letting people down!

Baby goats are adorable and grown goats really stink.

I am going to goat yoga for the first time tomorrow, which makes me feel like such hipster trash, but I really like animals! I hope I get trampled, at least avoid coming into direct contact with poop, and if I get to see babies that’s just icing on the goat cheese-filled cake.