They should’ve pulled a Twitch and just taken them off playlists without saying anything about it, if their convictions were weak enough to reverse this already-tepid decision.
They should’ve pulled a Twitch and just taken them off playlists without saying anything about it, if their convictions were weak enough to reverse this already-tepid decision.
and to add, if a victim wants to forgive, great. i dont mean to denigrate that as a part of healing for a survivor should it be healing and important to them.
why ask her if she’d forgive him? thats such a weird concept to me. why? why should she have to or want to or even have the thought float across her mind?
Man, Nicole Eggert deserves a LOT of credit here. She basically knew that nothing would come from her allegations but opened herself up to a ton of scrutiny so that another victim’s case might benefit.
One thing is for sure, I would much rather hang out with my happily single friends than my miserable married friends. Tell me about dating apps and bad date stories, they’re still fun to hear!
i’ve had so many conversations with men since last fall about men’s toxic behavior only to be met with more toxic masculinity (most unintentional... let’s hope, but there regardless) from the men in my life that i trust and love. this fucks me up.
“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”
He became particularly sure of his feelings for her when she started dating someone else.
Good parenting is a great! It can also be rare. Mediocre parenting is much more common because most of us are, by definition, mediocre. Most teens will act out and hide some things from their parents, and most parents will have a hard time understanding or talking to their kids at some point.
Wow..that’s what you think someone would be jealous of? You definitely have the IQ of a snapping turtle. Way to go, bub!
But can Pete carry her like a baby, tho? She has needs.
I really like Michael too, but her relationship with Rafael this season has been pretty great. I particularly liked the scene about her not wanting to feel like her relationship with Michael was just a step on her journey to Rafael—because I had literally just been thinking it seemed that way! So I loved that they…
Please boycott R Kelly
“I don’t need to know who it is” is so real.
I legitimately feel better about MYSELF after watching QE. I love all those guys, and Jonathan especially, because you can tell they’re GENUINELY excited for and proud of the guys they’re working with. They’re not being patronizing, they really are proud and think they look great and love them and it’s so wonderful.
And also- everyone has been rejected at some point in their life. Coping with rejection is an essential life skill. It makes me crazy to hear the same conservatives who rail about participation trophies and entitlement turn around and act like it’s understandable to murder someone for saying “no” to you!
If I see one more article using the words “romantic” or “spurned” and implicitly laying this girl’s death and others at her feet for making the shooter do this, I will set something on fire. Conservatives are all over this, with their “if she had just been nice to him!” schtick that does nothing but harm women and…
Miles Legend (Stephens, I know...but Legend is so much better as a badass name) is the cutest babby and made my ovaries do two flips.
I was already a fan, but these tweets make me love her all the more. The Mr. Bean gif was too perfect.