
What I’ve learned is that a lot of people have an idea of what a “real” burpee is. They are all similar to one another. My trainer had me do burpees that didn’t include a push-up so maybe he was easing me into it since I was a total n00b when we first started and he was building me up.

I agree that those aren’t burpees- BUT, can you do 1,490 of what she just did in an hour? No? Then she didn’t game her way in.

put on your house clothes and make it fashion

Go Francis. Fucking Birkenstock’s, love it.

I think that being stripped of his accolades and devastation of his legacy will be as painful for him as any jail time he will or will not ultimately serve. I hope it burns his soul.

I’m so happy Cosby has to witness the destruction of his legacy. I’m not sure what other awards and honorary degrees he has left, but I feel like this decision is going to put pressure on other insistutions to revoke them.

And it pisses Camille off too, which is happy news!

I have a feeling that losing the Mark Twain Prize will hurt him deeply. If I understand it correctly, it’s basically the Nobel Prize for humourists. I’m sure its revocation will devastate Cosby.

“Jessica does not wish to talk about Jeffrey Tambor.”

Wait, what publications said it was because of female headliners? NAME AND SHAME these fuckos, please and thanks.

For those who did not click through, this is the new artwork on Bieber’s $365K car.

surely we can think outside of it.

And the antiquated electoral college that discounted Clinton’s 3 million popular votes over yet again another “selected” candidate. So there’s that.

Being a “free thinker” in Kanye’s context means, “my ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”. It’s not.

I saw the skit and it was obvious that she was on the side of the protestors and that she wants us to fight without Nazis running us over or the President to side with the violent Nazis. I don’t understand people people outraged when comedy highlights what is actually going on in the world. People need to climb out of

No, why?

She apologized and said she should have worded it better. What kind of awesome liberal purity do you have that she’s not a valuable ally? She got successful, how dare this woman get successful and make minor mistakes, then apologize and say she’s always trying to be better? She’s definitely not good enough right?

“So, Junot Díaz can talk all he wants about writing books that interrogate masculinity, but that’s all it is: talk. His books are misogynist trash and folks either don’t see it (which disturbs me) or won’t acknowledge it (which disturbs me for different reasons).” Ugh -I love this woman so much. JD plays into white

Eh. That doesn’t mean when women come out we can say, “hey! he’s already admitted to this! let’s move on!” I think they still get to explain what he did to them.