
Yay! Glad to hear he’s good.

Young adult woman here. The odds of me seeing Dunkirk without HS would be about 5%. Odds of me now seeing Dunkirk with HS is probably about 50%.

Smolders is such a delight! I was glad to binge-watch something with her once again.

Definitely. If you think you’re mature enough to live with an SO, you should be mature enough to communicate and handle conflict like an adult, as well. And part of that is approaching situations in a way that benefits all parties and giving thought to others’ feelings.

It’s concerning to me how many people respond to this with “Who cares you’re dumping him byeeee!” Going through a break up isn’t a reason to be a shit person (unless your S.O is abusive) and karma is also a thing.

Geez, if I ever heard anyone using the word “libtard” in broad daylight I would run screaming for my life.

Yeah, that advice made me uncomfortable. I mutually broke up and moved out of a place with my ex about a year ago. I was WAYYY over the relationship, but if I had found out he signed a lease before we even had the break up it would’ve broken my heart a little, because a part of a relationship is being genuine and

Mm the cute downtown by my house does a weekly outdoor movie in their plaza and it’s so fun. You can bring food and alcohol, blankets, chairs, and the weather is almost always fantastic. But, this is a small downtown in a small city. I probably wouldn’t go if it was swarms of people in New York.

This song is bad, but Demi Lovato is looking amazing lately. Get it gurl.

I think about this a lot as I have a 104 year old grandpa. His wife, my grandma, died about 5 years ago. His sister passed recently. He still has all his kids and grandkids, but I can’t imagine how hard it is to be the last person around out of all the people you built your whole life with.

Aaron, that is NOT how you’re going to win Hilary back.

I still thinks Dean’s extremely attractive, but obviously a bit immature. But it made me sad because it looks like this is a situation of reality TV cameras knocking down the door on a very sensitive relationship in his life that is not close to being worked out, and probably should stay personal to him at least for

I thought it was really cute and funny!

Hah. I feel like everybody has their own kind of inner monologue going on at times. I’m a writer and very story-obsessed so I’m usually creating plots in my head, have been doing so since I was practically a baby.

When you’re a teen girl with a diary, that diary is basically a friend you’re talking to.

go to your room and think about what you’ve done.

Me: She dated Jake T. Austin? You mean the 12-year-old kid on Wizards of Waverly Place? I’m mistaken.