“YES, they ARE pirates, but the point of the attraction has always been about showing the FUN, romanticized side of piracy,” writes another commenter named Fred.
“YES, they ARE pirates, but the point of the attraction has always been about showing the FUN, romanticized side of piracy,” writes another commenter named Fred.
When I woke up this morning I did not think a gentleman named Young Thug would become my new favorite artist today.
Fair enough, but I think she and her team would have to be complete idiots to think she’d become AFV (I like that term you coined). She was already super hyper-sexualized and villainized from her last season, and even a woman held in esteem who publicly claims sexual assault is slut-shamed to the end of the earth.
Genuine question: If Corinne was in this whole scandal for the money, which many people in the comments claim, wouldn’t she be trying to extend her time on The Bachelor as much as possible, rather than take up a lawsuit then hide away? Would she really get that much out of the lawsuit?
I am watching the shit out of this, like, yesterday.
Hmm. I feel they’d have to start losing a gooooood chunk of money to shut down BiP. If an alleged sexual misconduct scandal couldn’t stop the series I think it’s going to keep coming hot until it’s viewership completely ceases to exist.
Thank you!
Wow, this is a great post. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Question from the uninformed (me): Are there seriously no laws/time limits on when a rape kit needs to be tested? Is it actually legal to have a rape kit lying around from 1995 and still be like “Ehhhh we’ll get to it!”
Poor Mustard...
Wow. So special perspective. Much unique opinion. Very better than everyone else.
...I’m sorry wat
No worries, and agreed. Corinne, DeMario, and everyone of course has to claim responsibility for their own actions no matter how drunk they are. But to see two contestants you filled with booze basically perform soft-core porn for your reality show and not take swift action is gross.
I sort of understand how you could have stretched me declaring “I am a woman who was sketched out by this situation” and turned it into “DeMario is as fault” but that was not close to what I meant. There is a very controlling, calculated third party that was involved in this situation.
Ugh. The Bachelor fan part of me can’t help but be excited but the woman part of me is still very sketched out and suspicious.
What gave you that idea?
That will make for some awkward family reunions if not.
Drake seems like an ehhh person IRL but Drake and Josh was one of the goddamn delight TV shows of my childhood. <3