
I really never realized how great my dad is until I grew up and left for college, I guess I had to move out of that phase of being an angsty teenager who thinks their parents are out to get them. He made pancakes every Sunday, taught me to ride a bike, play any and every sport, took on any chore for us, the list goes

Ugh. I’m trying to decide when the moment should be that I give up hope on all humanity.

But...are there still people out there who think all 683 of the women are lying about assault?

I am by no means an expert in this topic, but I would say your question is a fair one that can come out of a lot of instances where two people engage in sexual acts, both wasted drunk, and one or both feel violated and like they did not consent to what happened. Truthfully we may never know because it’s going to be

Yeah it’s all horrifying. Seeing other contestants unfollow her on social media and come out with statements like “Well MY time on BiP was fun and responsible!” (*cough cough Wells*) has been gross, and a good reminder that most of these people just really suck.

My heart breaks for her. No matter what happens from here (and what is proved), I feel like she’s going to be villainized and shunned because her trauma is now a public spectacle for clueless idiots to comment on.

Yup. And “Oops! You missed 1/4 of your life and your daughter’s entire childhood on our mistake. Welcome back!”

And all’s well that ends well! /s

My thoughts exactly...don’t killers get out more quickly?

I feel so awful for Corinne and hope she gets all the help needed. The spin-off was a huge guilty pleasure of mine, but now fuck these producers and anyone who didn’t step in that could have.

1. I really like Paris as a brunette.

No. I reject this. There’s already too many One Directioners all over my radio, and I reject them all besides bae Harry.

Perfect gif is perfect.

“Trump supporter John Boswell, who was arrested for sexually assaulting a maid in his inauguration hotel room and booked in jail around the same time as Cantú, managed to get off with six months probation and a $50 fine.”

Yeah, not sure how seriously she means that statement but my first thought was “Yikes be careful girl.”

I would say maybe give the relationship more time to develop...five dates is = to, what, a month or two? It’s great to know you want something serious but these things take time.

I would say if you get to the third date you can say “I’m dating them.” But no, it’s not a break up if it’s not an exclusive relationship, if I’m understanding your question right.

Thank you. I don’t think posting pictures of food and writing a self-indulgent essay making a stranger’s death about yourself are on the same level...

“I do know that he probably wouldn’t want me to dwell on this, but instead learn from past mistakes and continue living life doing what makes me happy.”