
People like Shaun King are necessary, and do important work, but that doesn’t mean I can’t roll my eyes at his sanctimony often times.

“Ignorance is bliss when it comes to our heroes sometimes. Learning the truth is a mighty huge letdown.”

“I am not sure who that aggressive man was, but I know he threw 31 touchdown passes this year. I mean, I could not quite see his face, but he definitely threw for over 3,500 yards, I can tell you that much. And while this fight may not have been that big of a deal if it was just some random students, I can tell you

The Horned Frogs are in San Antonio because they are set to play Oregon in the Alamo Bowl this Saturday. It’s not yet clear if Boykin will be available for that game.

It would be hard for me to be with a man who covered up a brutal rape committed by one of his former players and bent over backwards to make sure that said former player never faced prosecution.

When you quote Gossip Extra dot com in your reporting, you learn all sorts of new and interesting information, like the Gators winning a championship in 2000.

I can hardly think of a couple I’d want to hang out with less than “Candi and Jimbo from Florida”.

Whatever makes for a better game. I have plenty of games I still havnt played and have No rush to add to that list. If this is truly the last uncharted, then rather naughty dog have all the time they need to go out with a bang


Please let this be true if only for a real lead to a big story to come from a gawker message board

I’m just going to miss having a coach that looks like our mascot.

Yeah, Giants PR/NY Media are tripping over their own feet to try and justify that temper tantrum.
Tomorrow’s story: Panther equipment manager seen with water bottles; Odell feared waterboarding.

The cutscenes have to be long, they were amazing in MGS4. After the trailer, I expected emotion and the same depth in MGS5. But no... MGS5 would have been perfect with a complete story and MGS4-quality cutscenes.

I enjoyed it overall, but I felt like most the game was so NOT Metal Gear. You could have switched the characters out and change the title, and I probably wouldn’t get too much feeling that it was supposed to be a Metal Gear game; kind of the inverse of Lords of Shadow, where it was easy to tell that it wasn’t

This is one of my favorite comments ever on this site.

Now playing

I don’t pay attention much to college football (like Dennis Rodman explaining the whores in bed with him to Carmen Electra, I assume NFL players drop magically out of the sky) so I don’t know much about the bru-ha-ha with Cam in college. He seems like a good guy, he seems to have matured a bit since he started in the

I love me some Jack Bauer / Sutherland, and I’m not sure if it was the writing or his voice acting, but the Big Boss character really felt... generic, in V.

To me, MGS5. By far. But not only because it felt unfinished, but because moments which were supposed to feel random and “funny” REALLY made me clench my fist. One word: Emmerich.

Would you binge the whole season at once? I think that might be too much. Probably better to watch a game or two each weekend, Thursdays if you have time.

If Netflix aired football I would have no reason to pay for cable.