Your comment is a micro-aggression and you should feel bad and kill yourself.
Your comment is a micro-aggression and you should feel bad and kill yourself.
It's only appropriation if Tumblr and its acolytes say so. So even though Timberlands or indeed much of the construction/rugged attire was worn for decades by people who did such work they're "appropriating" "urban" culture because re-zonz!
Your constant need to start and end with Ha! makes your points utterly moot.
To even mention Timberlands as "cultural appropriation" is possibly the dumbest thing I will see today.
I just keep thinking "suede is a such a bitch to clean".
You can, but many of us would really wish you didn't. And we do in fact not even like it when black people use the word at 100dB on our commutes either.
The leaders of the marriage industrial complex will not allow that opinion to exist unchallenged! They will be at you, like flying monkeys!
No, as a programmed and fully paid up member of the marriage industrial complex I'd have to think you're upset at not having been married yet.
Dial back the outrage sister, you're practically steaming out the ears. Over 30 and no husband yet?
I feel like we've been over this but again: penises are uninteresting unless hard or big while soft.
No, you shoved your heteronormative bullshit all over something that you have no ken of.
Unlike in Soviet Russia, where women were the biggest brains, in America we have toddler fashion shows. Makes you doubt who won the Cold War.
Amusing but the chart for trustworthiness against a foreign power goes as follows: in dead last, but only by a hair, straight men, followed by straight women [less likely to get drunk and spill the beans but not as reliable as Agent Carter]. Everyone else is trustworthy unless proven otherwise.Mormons apparently are…
As a gay who doesn't care for marriage I don't care one way or another if you mock it. Knock yourself out.
I'm having a hard time picking apart the satire from real life here.
Maybe instead of waiting for everyone's approval you put on your big girl panties and just do it? There's really no point in even bothering living if you're just going to follow the herd all the time.
Just one though?
As long as only your hand has an orgasm, then yes.
If you really want to break the rules, why "marry" at all?
And yet he didn't teach you about their existence. This alternate universe you live in: does immaculate conception happen there?