Apres Moi, Le Dejeuner

So, what do we do with the prisoners? They're not guilty or even charged with any crimes in the United States? They're prisoners of war that have no state to return to after the battle ends. So what do we do with them?

We have military prisons on US soil. Those will do just fine.

When you consider that about 75% of the prisoners in Gitmo were not affiliated with any terror group when they were handed to us by lying Afghan warlords....yeah, you'll realize Gitmo never should have been opened.

I hope that is an ear plug and not some strange ear meat.

She was half the reason I watched the show. For me, I always felt the show was driven more by the characters and relationships than the situations they were in, and what ultimately made the show so compelling.

Now playing

Amanda Tapping is a priceless natural resource.

The amazing SG-1 and Atlantis have ruined movie based Stargate for me. Will still see the movie though, see if it can change my mind.

As someone who was diagnosed when he went in to ask about starting Truvada, I find comments like Quinto's infuriating. Don't hamper the use of this drug by people wanting extra protection with fear mongering about those seeking to misuse it.

No, you wouldn't. There's not a lot of reason to completely trust this drug quite yet when you can just continue using condoms and safe-sex practices unless you're in a long-term committed relationship.

Um, as far as drugs are concerned those are incredibly mild side effects. I also think you're confused about what that means. It doesn't mean universally everybody taking this pill has those side effects, it means they are the most common side effects and are probably experienced infrequently and usually not together.

How it works

I'm sure some of them actually do. Garlic? Come on man, I have tons of that at home, how hard can it be to put in a damn pill.

I am shocked...just shocked that the pseudo-science industry that markets things to idiots who don't understand actual science is an industry built on lies...

Excellent long form piece, precise, not delving in minutiae only a hard core fan would care about and, obviously, a compelling writing style. Are there any other Kinja blogs, besides yours and Fortress America, that is covering the military-industrial-espionage complex? I knew our air force was getting old, but I had

Your 3rd point is absolutely ridiculous.

It'd good they keep it around for on the chance a similar virus mutates. But yeah, unmarked samples floating around are worrisome.

Frozen pills that you swallow. Yes, seriously.