
I think one reason that they may be called selfish is because on a post that is about whether you would choose differently how you handled your work/child-rearing balance now that some time has passed this child-free person's first thought was "here is another opportunity to tell everyone how much I don't want

And yes, it is bad that you wished harm on the child for the offense of being alive and young in your presence. I'm sure most of your fellow commenters found it charming, if that makes you feel better.

I am a "non-traditional" student - getting a Mechanical Engineering degree in my 30's. After I entered my birthdate Spotify replied with a "Sorry, we meant CURRENT students" message. There was an option to submit documentation, which I did, but jeez Spotify, way to twist the "too old for school" knife!

Now playing

Whenever someone talks about how "good" people used to be (you know, other than the racism, sexism, etc.) I think about the "Crying Indian" commercial.

They are just recreating their favorite Digital Short.

He should have gone with his first instinct, a "not" joke.

I do have friends. And when they are happy I do not resent them for it. Maybe you should just hide the "friends" you hate seeing so their happiness no longer bothers you. Or just de-friend them altogether if their healthy interactions cause you so much pain. I'm not the one displaying anti-social behavior here.

No, if she says "we're" she must mean it. Who am I to correct her?

Have you thought about contacting these other parents and asking them to stop having loving relationships with their spouses and cutting down on extra-curricular activities for their children until you get your shit together?

And bring back Steve Beuerlein!

Jezebel is the Madame Defarge of racism. Who isn't a racist?

The Edge started wearing the hat in the 80's when he started losing his hair (I believe this was explained to me in a U2 comic purchased around the time of Achtung Baby).

I've said this before and I'll say it again - Whenever I hear someone ranting about the "pussification" of America it is nearly always an old man with tits.

I used to work for a NASCAR-related company and we had Joe Gibbs come and give us a pep talk. He told us he had two rules for success in business.

Tangently related -Whenever I hear someone ranting about the "pussification" of America or lamenting the loss of manhood these days it is nearly always an old man with tits (or someone younger who venerates them). Listen dude, I'm not the one who's ears perk up when ED pill commercials come on during the Masters.

"Ugh. We get it already, Albrecht."