Applied Ill

Yeah, I liked that.


You sound really disgusting.

I'm still not sure how people can dismiss something like King of Queens this much while praising Parks and Rec when the latter had all the elements people seem to apparently hate about King of Queens and this one episode they watched of this show. Parks and Rec was basically the same jokes and plot line every episode:

I'm reading all these comments here and I feel like I'm back in middle school. For people not liking King of Queens or Kevin James, they all seem to know both well enough to have such a clear opinion of them. I mean, can people sound more snobbish?

"and then this season from the first episode has stripped away everything fun about the spy trade and revealed the dirty, ugly underbelly of these actions and their consequences and the toll they take on the people who do it."

But I can obviously see how opinions differ. (Rereading what I wrote, it sounded really aggressive.)

Ah, okay, we really disagree there, I think every season was pretty good, some episodes were worse than others, but in general I think they really hit it for the most time. There's only one episode I really disliked, and that's the one where George becomes super smart, and then goes back to being dumb, that felt so

I don't think the finale was awful at all. I think it was brilliant because it didn't give us some sweet moment to remember, instead it showed that these four idiots are never going to learn, they are in court and don't regret a thing, as always they feel like the world owes them, not the other way around, they are

I'm sure they've been waiting for this all along.

The song was of course horrible, but jesus, it was catchy.

I'd say that Seinfeld was actually consistently good.

I come for the comments, more or less. Most reviews here are quite bad. They often recount the whole plot which is a very amateurish mistake, and then go on to find simplistic points to focus on. And they clearly have the shows they prefer over others, unrelated to the actual quality. Also, the writing is just really

Of course she's wrong. She's a self-involved asshole who makes it all about her, the very thing she accuses her daughter of. It doesn't fucking matter if this relationship would have lasted or not, it's not her place to break it off, it's not her place to rob her cousin of his experience. Honestly, she's the fucking

The second half of the first season was already really good. And the second season even more so.

BoJack Horseman's second season was even better than the first.

Ehh, that scene in the end on that alien planet, I know it's a joke and all, but god, I fucking loved it.

Dudes, you forgot this: when Jimmy is in the bathroom, this guy says that he would do anything to get just windows for his office. Then we see Kim in a windowless room, and we see Kim surrounded by windows as walls while she's trying to get this new client.

I don't think Chuck will necessarily die that way. I also don't think Jimmy is *that* bad. He's a cheater. Essentially he tries to trick the system, yes. But does it make him necessarily worse than Chuck who's an unfriendly Snob, who isn't even thankful for his brother's turn-around and help?

Everybody seemed to like Mike in BB. And I never got it. Yes, he's kind of a badass and looks incredibly attractive with his cold blooded murders. But he's a horrible human being who has no problem being around child murderers, participating in their work. And then the show wants us to find him sympathetic because he