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I think Howard has some horrible side thing going on (this is the prequel to Breaking Bad after all). So I'm curious to know what it is.

I don't know. Didn't really like that so much.

That's not how I see it at all. I see them as overbearing, absurdly unnuanced advocates that might be feminist in their heart but are also in it for the identity. This episode shows it as well: they're finally heard. All these people are coming for feminism, but it's too much for them. They just wanted to be "the

I don't see how they're winning.

I'm 4 months late, but fuck, this show is wonderful. I actually loved so much that this relationship didn't end in a break up. Every show does this. And they didn't. And it was so nice. I broke up with this person almost a year ago, and felt like I really needed to be away from relationships for a long while, and now,

I know. And I've been trying to convince my father to at least try it so he might stop with his cigarettes.

Yeah, thought the same thing. Especially with Louie doing the bits he claimed were unfunny. That's soo Seinfeldian/Curbian. I waited for one or the other theme sound.

Especially the downgrade.

Vaping is just as disgusting as smoking.

What is that thing with disability, diverse, etc.? Can you give me examples of shows and episodes you mean?

"Is it healthy?" "We don't know."

Oh my god, that was so fucking good.

I started watching for Paget and Stamos. I loved Paget on Friends, and by loved, I mean, I kinda fell in love with her. And Stamos, well he's just adorable.

SOO happy for CEG.

You are the wisest of all women!

He and the guy who apparently is only 19 years old are my favorite side characters. Oh and Jimmy's assistant. I think she might actually be my favorite.

Oh yeah, I didn't mean to imply that you were against my point.

Fuller House tries to be what Full House was: a sweet family show with a little bit of sassy and funny in-between. I don't get the critics who don't really understand its premise.

Sanders is who Obama is privately.

Full(er) House was never meant to be totally hilarious. It was always a simple sweet show with a few laughs here and there. I find it a little disingenuous to criticize it without getting its premise straight. By this I don't mean you but all the critics that don't like it.