
I find it incredibly sweet! You have people like Lohan running around like they are owed the world, and Swift made this girl's day just because. And those are some really nice shower gifts! She could have just shown up and swanned around being "TAYLOR," but she did the right thing.

All white men are the same.

Initial impression: I am too old for this shit.

I had a really bad night at a soup brothel back in '79.

Everyone is doing The Leo.

I once heard you're supposed to hold the glass by the stem so your body heat doesn't warm up the wine too much... Not sure if it's true. my mum was pretty drunk when she told me.

And I feel that this type of comment amounts to silencing, pure and simple. This woman was likely suffering from a severe and possibly undiagnosed (or miss-diagnosed or under-diagnosed) mental illness and that's a very real, horrible issue that women all over the world deal with every day. Yes, I realize there is a

Every second of this show is the most artificial and talky stretching out of human experience ever put to film. It's worse than unwatchable; it's un-hearable. All of that dreadful, dreadful, relentless acting, with the same up and down cadences, the same soft and loud (but mostly loud) modulations. I worry about

I like Tavi... But I really like how you phrased this comment. The "am I the only person who..." Comment is my 2nd least favorite style of comment ever. Yes special snowflake, you are the single person who is over Ryan Gosling (or whatever).

Good call. This is getting to sound like The Children's Hour all up in here.

You read this whole thread and that is the comment you leave? *Sigh* Comprehension fail. But, yes, sure, you're entitled to your opinion, however ill-founded.

I'm replying after reading this whole thread, and as a high school teacher. I lean toward believing the kid, as they generally apologize and admit to lying when the situation gets serious, and what kid would make up a lie using "sassy?" "Slut," yes. "Sassy slut," no.

This is going to sound really, really trite, and I'm sure you've heard it before, AND I know you didn't ask for it, but I'm going to say it anyway - it is SO MUCH EASIER to lose weight if you start by loving yourself. Unconditionally.

Kid says teacher said something, everyone here automatically believes kid without hearing the teacher's version of events?

"Glutton" seems like a Freudian slip here.

It gets worse. They didn't even say "bitchin'," it was "bitching."

I mean... I fail to see the downside at Taylor using totally wholesome female friendships as PR, I suppose. Like, yeah, let's hope it's 100% genuine, but you can't prove it—and nothing in a celeb's world can ever be free from a PR aspect.

2) If your name is Chris, you are automatically cast in a Marvel film.

I find the claim that Amanda Bynes's behavior was due solely to marijuana very, very hard to believe.