
Enough about Travolta, where’s her hot husband?

Maybe she made a sizeable donation and they gave her a centrepiece because of that.

I thought that was a smaller version of their wedding wall!

I know, I was sickened only by the fact that they had to bleep all of the anatomically correct words they were likely using.

Absolutely! And the welder.

I really like her nose. From the front it looks like her mom’s, but from the side it looks naturally imperfect (no offence to anyone with a similar nose; by imperfect I mean it looks normal).

Sadly, not in Canada.

In the morning or late afternoon, I look for articles with celebrities in headline, pretty good chance it's a dirt bag.

I bet they have an endorsement deal with Instagram for this weekend.

If you're going to be snarky, proofread first.

This is so true. Thank you for putting into words what I see regularly as a high school teacher. Shit, some people. I think we all go into teaching in part because of our own experiences in school, but teaching in order to re-live glory days or hoping to finally gain popularity is a messed up reason to be there.

I can't seem to stop watching this show, but I agree with you 100% about being un-hearable. I hate how they talk over each other constantly and don't let anyone finish a thought or sentence before jumping over them. It's the worst in Christina and Adam's family. I find Christina very grating.

Thanks. I stand up for teachers and would hope someone would do the same for me, but we've got to stand up for kids too.

I'm replying after reading this whole thread, and as a high school teacher. I lean toward believing the kid, as they generally apologize and admit to lying when the situation gets serious, and what kid would make up a lie using "sassy?" "Slut," yes. "Sassy slut," no.

It gets worse. They didn't even say "bitchin'," it was "bitching."

I've wondered this about magazines too. I remember reading my older sister's Vogue and Cosmo in the early/mid 90's, and there were actual supermodels on the covers, and they were awesome but also unique and had personalities and interesting lives. I miss Cindy Crawford and Nikki Taylor. Maybe having actresses and

I LOVE Ellen. I cry almost every time I get to watch her show. She does so much good and gets so much good done.

I was hoping someone would bring that up! I came on her searching for House of Cards articles because I just finished season 2 today. While I know that neither has any sexual scruples, that seems like it wasn't very well thought-out on their part. Unless they want to keep him in their pocket, I can't imagine it will

They've been dating for a couple of years.

Haha! I was watching the CBC coverage of the ladies figure skating this morning, and the commentators were SO cheesy, deciphering the metaphors of the song choices and choreography. I guess it would be refreshing after snarky commentators.
The East coast is amazing! The prairies are beautiful too, and you must make it