
The only place i've seen where you don't need a cosmetology licence is Sally Beauty Supply, which are all over the place in BC. I've never bought hair colouring stuff there, but they have an entire aisle of it. They have good sales too, maybe see if they have an online flyer. They have an AMAZING selection of nail

This is awesome, I love those two!

Nah. My friend had one if these when we were little, and no one liked playing with her because she was pregnant ALL THE TIME. Although, we did stuff all sorts of other stuff in there, so it came in handy.


"While our family reading sessions occasionally skipped a night"

I'm watching season 4 of Dexter, and Deb just took her shirt off. HOT DAMN that woman has amazing abs. Yes she's tall and thin, but the muscle definition is crazy.

Lol, it's so awkward! Some words are just dirty enough to be a turn-on, like cock and pussy for sure, but I wish there were a sexier word for boobs, and tits doesn't do it for me.

I like sending pictures, but i'm a teacher so i'm paranoid that they will get out, (and what if I get into politics someday?) so always from the neck down, and nothing that will show my tattoo or any distinguishable features. I have recieved one cock shot, and it was actually a turn-on.

I have a question, and I hope that I get lots of feedback, the more the better! It's been a long time since i've read anything really sex-related in an open-thread or GT, so I actually feel weird asking this. But let's bring the sexy back!

It cracks me up that I automatically recognized this as the Spelling mansion. (No more gossip mags for you tinimartini!)

I think that they gave her that nickname to kind of brush off the fact that she went from nobody to the future queen, and I think that it is normal for people to have a tiny little thought deeply hidden in the recesses of their brain that it could have been anyone, why not me? It's neat to see how this has changed

Ok, i'm just going to give this a try. why can't we just have an I button, or be able to use ctrl+i? <\i> Ok, that should have worked.

That is the exact problem I was having! I typed < i > sentence < i > without the spaces, like I had read previously, and it just italicized the rest of my post. argh.

I knew halfway through reading that that he was going to pull the 9/11 card. All this proves is that he watched Zeitgeist.

If she is a close family friend, you can play it safe and ask as friends and see throughout the evening if she shows any similar feelings. You will never regret asking, but you might regret it if you don't!

Beginning of the trip for sure. By the end of the trip the excitement might have faded a smidgen. Hope you have fun!

That's a whole lot of hand talking to make these staged photos look realistic.

She sent him home in a van before the rose ceremony, I think he is done. She was very cool about it. The mask guy got a lot of flack from the other guys, I hope for his sake that he has the strength to stand up to it, cuz they may be adults, but those guys were pretty offensive.

As soon as I finished reading this I remembered a similar situation which I think I pushed back into my subconscious. Yeah, one time I was on top also happily fucking, and we lost our rhythm and I some how really hurt his penis, so he yelled in pain, and I felt so awful that I cried, and cried way more than the

I am watching SNL, im on the west coast. Gaga sounds AMAZING live. sometimes singers who sound great in their albums sound atrocious on SNL, but this lady is awesome.