
It is good to see familiar faces around here, it is getting busier!

Awesome, thanks! These all sound reasonable and procurable.

Oh no, Jane magazine was fantastic. I just checked out xojane which I didn't even know existed, and I hope to heck that they are not affiliated. I read Jane magazine when I was in my mid teens, and it was nice to have something different to choose from than Seventeen and YM. It had very little beauty-related content,

Hello All!

I have never had sex high, but sometimes different levels of drunkeness is fun. My boyfriend is amazingly loving and gentle when sober, but after a couple of drinks he gets more courageous. After a few mored drinks, he can go for HOURS. When I am the DD, I can usually lure him away from hockey games or hanging out

I agree, I remember about a year and a half ago, I had just broken up with my fiancee and had moved in with two friends. One saturday night they both asked me if I was going out that night, and I said no, secretly I was thinking 'why go out? It's saturday night social!' This site and the opportunity to help others and

I haven't heard anything in a while, but right after the wedding it was mentioned that parliament was going to change the rule and make their first child, male or female, next in line for the throne.

If a man is asked to braid a girlfriend/wife/partner's hair, chances are that he likes her at least a little bit. In my experience, men like touching hair, and will sometimes play with it for fun. If he is braiding his girlfriend/wife/partner's hair as a favour, I don't think that he would be resentful about it.

I feel the same way!!! it really bugs be in close-up pictures. They are both so beautiful, but the black liner makes their eyes look smaller.


I'm in Southern BC. Mostly street riding, but I'd like the option to go on trails too, light trails, nothing crazy.

I would like to buy a bike. I haven't ridden a bike since the seventh grade. I have begun running and want to bike every second day. I just want to ride around town, maybe longer distances, to work, Anything.

What I appreciate about Taylor's comment is that she did not put down other young arists/celebs FOR dressing sexy or drinking. We've seen a lot of younger celebs do just that. So, good for you Taylor. And we can consider that last bit a warning to all future love interests. At least she's up-front!

My sister has a 4 year-old boy. It is the first boy in our family. (aside from husbands, boyfriends and fathers.) She phoned me last week to tell me that he was in the bathroom on the toilet, and after a few minutes she heard a crinkling noise. She went in to check on him, and he had pulled a used tampon applicator

I just brought Oryx and Crake home! Ooh, nightmares... cool. I just read Rosemary's Baby for the first time, and it wasn't as scary as I had hoped.

Long time Canadian internet/catalogue shopper here. I've never had extra charges aside from regular tax from Ebay and Etsy. If you order from a company, read the item description to see if the product is imported or made in the US. If it is imported, you will pay duties, sometimes it will add up to be double the price

I had the exact same thing happen! I loved my nose ring at first, but after about two years, it became infected, and no matter what I did, no matter how clean I kept it, it would not clear up. It was red and swollen all of the time. I eventually cut it out with side cutters so that I wouldn't have to twist it out.

@SinisterBill: Man I got teary just reading that. Stories like this do make it seem less daunting. Thanks.

I have a pimply scalp. I have naturally super-oily hair, so I try not to use any products near my scalp. I googled it and lots of sites recommend using tea tree oil shampoo, or putting tea tree oil in my shampoo. Any other suggestions?

I bought the third season of Dexter, and it came with the first two seasons of The United States of Tara, this show is bonkers. Great, but wow. Buck? Should I find the rest of the season? Any thoughts?