Let’s remember that Gifford said that NFL players kneeling for the national anthem was “disrespectful, upsetting” and that it hurt football. She also said there were bigger problems in the world to worry about.
Let’s remember that Gifford said that NFL players kneeling for the national anthem was “disrespectful, upsetting” and that it hurt football. She also said there were bigger problems in the world to worry about.
That’s what she wore?! I would prefer her wearing jeans and a t-shirt to that... dress? Granted, I have zero interest in making female performers dress any specific way, don’t care about their personal lives, their political views or what products they endorse. If I like their music, I listen to it. Apparently that…
Why not ask “why is Beyonce so overdressed?”
I feel the same way. The general point is important but focusing on these two is odd. Does anyone think Beyoncé, of all people, wore that dress because she had no choice? She chose not to adapt to his style, he chose not to adapt to hers. I think that photo is strange to look at but I don't find anything about this…
The real question here, for me, is “Does Beyonce care?” As far as I know, she hasn’t said anything, so I will go with likely not.
Seriously. And framing it as “disrespectful” to Beyoncé is just fucking absurd. Get a grip people. If Beyonce chooses to dress like a living Christmas tree that’s her prerogative, and if Ed Sheeran insists on his grungy garden gnome look, that’s his. Beyoncé is the aoet or pop star where her look is as much a part of…
One one hand, I totally understand Sheeran putting forth zero effort knowing he’d be appearing alongside Beyoncé. I mean, really, does Sheeran in a suit look remarkably better than Sheeran in a T-shirt? I could wear the best dress money could buy and be styled by the best hair and makeup artists, and next to Beyoncé…
If Ed had worn a tuxedo and Beyonce some streetwear, she would have been the bold empowered black chick who gives no fucks and he would have been the cringy tryhard. There’s no pleasing Jezebel, you know that.
He’s fine.
It’s funny, because I remember when feminism fought for the idea of people to wear whatever makes them feel comfortable without imposing judgment. Oh well!
I’m...honestly befuddled by this Sheeran thing. No, not his success but this whole thing over him dressing the same way he always does for a show while Beyonce dresses the same way she always does for a show. Yes, yes, there’s a good conversation to be had about expectations for women versus men when it comes to…
Ed wore t-shirt?
As someone feeling the creep of age, I look to the cool gals from my youth on how to deal with it with grace. After “Ray of Light” one would think Madonna was on track to approaching aging in an interesting and empowering way. It’s a bummer that didn’t happen.
Madonna said something pithy decades ago that some young girl might have heard and is now reiterating. Instead of giving a regal nod, acknowledging her impact on our culture, she chooses to throw shade. tsk tsk...
“She got hers the old fashioned way: screwing a rich guy and crapping out a (white) anchor baby. The only kid she cares about is hers.”
I wouldn’t either. I’d rather spend the time grifting or killing puppies in a refrigerator or whatever it is they like to do.
Yup! 😆😄😊 And hopefully soon after we pry his fat ass from the Oval Office
He’s going to die unloved and unmourned.
Hold on! The stupid has something to say:
She got hers the old fashioned way: screwing a rich guy and crapping out a (white) anchor baby. The only kid she cares about is hers.