
Which is extra stupid because I’ve had multiple conversations this year about how the name is to be taken, and yet every time I recommend them I give the wrong damn name

I feel like I always end up really really loving an album that sort of aggravates me at first, and Verses was definitely that

Shit, I KEEP doing that. It’s People Like You

I don’t know negativland, but they’re just a fun modern-emo/jazz act with some fun, catchy arrangements and real nice balance of the instrumental band or full on emo band they could be, Mixed male and female vocals which is a huge plus for me

I don’t know negativland, but they’re just a fun modern-emo/jazz act with some fun, catchy arrangements and real nice balance of the instrumental band or full on emo band they could be, Mixed male and female vocals which is a huge plus for me

I’ve still not been able to finish it. I love Phil to death but man that thing breaks my bones

1. TWIABP - Always Foreign (yoo I just saw them and they closed with getting sodas and I died and I’m a ghost now)

lol sick scenes

Hmmm no other albums out this week?

Every week my answer is pretty much Always Foreign and Worriers and... some third thing. Third thing is Blacksheep Boy, fuck this album was good

sometimes you only need one type of something

I don’t think it’s as good as Sprained Ankle so... I guess don’t bother with it, but I will say I think everyone making it out to be like misery porn or a sad drug is offbase

That’s what the new Julien Baker is for!

man great minds, I’ve been listening to their audiotree sessions on repeat all morning

If even the AV Club isn’t digging a Weezer album it’s gotta be straight trash

The harder I swim the faster I sink, the harder I swim the faster I sink, THE HARDER I SWIM THE FASTER I SINK

Better a horrible bleach job than the awful Dicaprio-middle part

I also love the hell out of the Faculty! It’s also some real goofy-serious fun that I really dig

I unabashedly love Urban Legend. It’s incredibly stupid and does not make a bit of sense when you try and add up the plot but there’s something so very fun about it to me. Because the deaths all try and correspond to an urban legend, it’s all weird different set pieces that keep it fresh throughout the length of the