O’Neal has looked more like Murphy than he does in that picture so Josh wins and Jesus Christ I should not know off the top of my head what y’all look like
There’s something kind of... condescendingly racist? to the review as well that bothers me. Maybe I was reading too much in to it because I was annoyed already by it being there (and yet clicked, read the whole thing, shared the link here - so I’m not exactly helping). But there seems to be this undercurrent of “hey…
The Wolf Alice song I keep hearing on the radio (dont delete the kisses) is really awesome and I’m excited to give that a go (y’know whenever I decide to start paying for streaming again)
New DFA! I’ve liked the new singles well enough that I’m sure this will be good
PWR BTTM was my exact thought - Pitchfork never did end up running that review, which is fine. But then to not apply the same logic behind this legit piece of shit feels like an endorsement of his behavior serving his art.
Wait... there’s a new Ted Leo?
Over the weekend I had a long drive to make so I wanted to see how much Brand New I could listen to and started with Your Favorite Weapon (and it turns out NY to RI is exactly as long as all their albums up through track 4 on Daisy).
I like/tolerate Swift more than most (Red is a legit great album with great songs, 1989 is.. alright). The new song is straight up embarrassing, even worse than Shake it Off’s bridge. Musically it somehow already sounds dated and boring and lyrically its trying way too hard to introduce us to this new Bad Taylor Swift…
I would like to complain about Pitchfork and I dont see peepingtorgo having already done it:
I think I say this a lot but I’ve seen this song performed live twice. The first time was in front of Neutral Milk Hotel and it was kind of charming, the second time was with the band reunited as the opener to the festival and it felt exploitative and gross that I had to walk away
I fucked up my apple music account and its literally all I can listen to
I have a really embarrassing story I was in rhode island the other weekend and wore my camp cope shirt just in case we were at the same donut shop
There’s that tense scene in Housebound that’s soundtracked to an old phone playing the Hello Moto ringtone and it is amazing
That’s a clown question, bro
A24 and Dunst... guess I’m seeing Woodshock
Bootz was robbed
I get a little bit Genghis Khan don’t want you to get it on with nobody else but me