
you can always ask

It’s fucking awesome.

I’m just not getting it. Same Logic is amazing, its everything, but it’s the beginning and the end of this album for me... nothing else takes off like a Brand New song should - its all of D&G’s mood with none of its terror.

ugh not excited for images

Doesnt really appear to be any benefit honestly of waiting if you already have a disqus login

goo me baby

to be honest, I mean I get it - sad girls with guitars was (and still is because I haven't found where I go next) my bread and butter but sometimes it feels like "that's the old apples" and I need to move on to something new but Waxahatchee and Swearin' still really do it for me (as well as Olsen and Mitski and Camp


I still have my tickets for the original that I bought just for the reason of it being cheap as shit, on the off chance that I'd make it to chicago somehow

Take Away Shows were my absolute favorites

… so trains?

trains or airplanes?

no one wants to look at their own face at the angle they're holding their phone at when they accidentally press facetime - all nostrils and chins, never a positive feeling

They tried, but, accidentally hit face time instead of voice call and they were just so embarrassed about it they smashed their phones, just to be sure

I'll die doing what I love,

I'm very ticklish

Like how I deserve to die in graphic detail? Hmm I mean, we're all going to die, but, how do I deserve to die? I dunno, I hope like falling out of a hot air balloon or something.

I'm a fairly basic person and I just wear jeans for the most part, but, I enjoy them

What color, you a gray guy or a navy?

I am mysteriously on disqus for some reason