
But has he beat Nixon in The future?

Dammit I can't find what article I left it in.

Shit this reminds me I left a comment on my old AV account about Daredevil hoping some weirdo would respond to it at thanksgiving. Now I will never know.

She is the journalist we need in these troubled times


This, uh, took me longer than it should

Do you think there's anything non-fox turning people? I mean, I know everyone eventually goes off and finds their niche, but do they all start with foxes?

I always took this quote as "who will make Bender Waffles just the way…" and not "who will make Bender waffles just the way…" and I had to be told (in real life) that I was a moron.


too busy watching GLAAD Men

I've had this conversation before, what do you think the most furry indoctrinating character of all time was. I mean, if not Robin Hood then who? Bugs Bunny?

I hope this doesn't awaken anything anything in me…

I don't know, did Robin Hood have nipples…

Don't Do What Donny Don'ts No Good Doers

I can't wait to hear this album. I've liked what I've heard from it a lot so far. It's interesting that both Sadie and Allison Crutchfield both seem to be flirting with pop side projects right now. Hope they're both great.

Carson lackadaisically two-finger types into his Google search bar, he is ready to bring his people answers.

he really should not be aaron this out in public like that

I work in a health care company that's done pretty well under medicaid expansion/ACA so… to the bridge with me

Thank god congress won't let this come to pass, term limits!? not on our watch!

I don't know what to tell you then. Maybe actually ask a democrat why they voted like they did.