
I have to say this comes a off as extremely entitled and basically confirms the argument made by the author. Your thesis is that you can’t find the job you want and that’s bad, when the only jobs you want are programming at IBM or at a game company. That is like me saying capitalism sucks because I want to be a pro

Yeah. I have. What's your point?


Except that we've passe the tipping point where that's possible, now.

Err, what do you think the hippy gen was reacting to? could it be the same bullshit that has been fucking us all?

I agree that things need to change. I think the point is, instead of bitching about how bad things are, stop complaining and do something. When we couldn't find jobs, we made them. We didn't complain, give up, or cry, we sold shit out of our garages until we had full blown businesses and hired our friends etc.

'What's so new about what you're saying?

To be honest, anything a Baby Boomer says to me is automatically suspect. You idiots spent 50 fucking years sucking off the system and giving nothing back. You've left us all with a hollowed out infrastructure and a flattened financial system. So thanks for that. Don't worry, though. Your kids will clean up your mess

THANK you! That was my thought on the subject. "HELP! I've racked up a zillion dollars in loads so I could take six years to finally get my bachelors in communications!"

Technically you'd qualify as Gen Y.

Precisely. Where do people get off saying they should have their student loans "forgiven". What you are saying with that is that you should have a free education and be free of the responsibility for the decisions you made.

…and we all paid our fucking student loan bills, quietly without bitching (too much) about it.

I was always told I was born in the last year of Gen X, 1976. However, a quick Wikipedia search says there is no universally agreed upon time frame.

And GenX said the same about the generation before them, and those before them. Seriously. We're ALL at fault here. Nobody is innocent.