
Some hippies like Steve Jobs went on to fuck other people over... and also create great tech. I know loads of ex-hippies who later became spoilt capitalists.

Generation X’ers tried to change the world. Generation Y seems to be about talking about things on social media but not actually making any changes. I am sick of the arrogance of Generation Y. Maybe you are different, but most people in that age group are unbearable. Maybe I’m wrong and maybe all youth have always

Generation Y’s I meet are arrogant. Sadly arrogance is making them successful. Undeserved success. They are also hugely egotistical when it comes to their ‘wisdom’ (which they don’t have compared to older people).

I forgot to add... once you file something (either digital in Evernote for example or in a filing cabinet) you then delete it. All emails can be deleted after processing.

Sure you can do that. A much better way however is to process emails properly. Every email is either useless (e.g. spam, so delete email), an action (so add it to your to do list + delete email), an event (add it to your calendar + delete email), it’s a bit of information you need to keep (store it in Evernote or