
It sounds like it’s been a while since you’ve driven rush hour here...a year ago, I had coworkers who commuted to our place in downtown Mountain View from Fremont, Union City, and Newark each. It took them each (2 had carpools) an hour minimum to get home. That’s taking either Dumbarton or San Mateo Bridges OR taking

They are sending them to private schools here, in droves. They don't care about cutting off their kids from society, they just don't see it that way at all. Had to work with people like that, talking about private schools like public (mind you, some of the best public schools in the state and possibly country) schools

In this case, Bay Area teachers start at or around that. But 50k in the Bay might as well be 30k or less with rising cost of living. :( If a tech office manager can start @60.....teachers should be well above that.

Palo Alto is one of the worst example cities for everything. The salary schedule is online, and assuming you have 45 units, you cap out at 96k at 20 years. Not sure where the ‘most are making 100k’ is from.

Exactly, plus teachers don’t quakify for low income as far as I know (here, bay area), even though student loans should be taken into consideration.

Most townhomes in PA thru Campbell are close to a million. And christ there are SO goddamn many of these monstrosities, I like to look up prices for shitsngiggles. Why anyone pays 700k+ for literally a small apartment boggles my fucking mind. But they do.

Um firstly: Steve Jobs’ kids go to one of the most prestigious and expensive private schools in the Bay.....the tuition is very close what a public school teacher makes. It's gross.

My god, thank you. I attempted to read it when I was about 18 and couldn’t finish it because he was such a privileged shithead that I found impossibly boring. This was about a decade ago and my peers were obsessed with Catcher and I just never got it.

I just cannot get over how brilliant and eloquent this 11-year old appears on tv, especially compared to the people interviewing her. I am so so excited for her and what’s she’s going to accomplish!

Pregnancy superstitions and rituals are fascinating from an anthropological POV, especially when you look at historical traditions. For so many hundreds of years, pregnancy was very ‘unknown’ when you compare it to the amazing scientific advances in the last 200 yrs. I mean....we can now see those creepy AF baby goopy

I fully agree, I am actually surprised she didn’t do this sooner tbh living in that lifestyle, so good for her (I hope). And I won’t lie—looking good is absolutely motivating!

Agreed—that has encouraged me to buy it over beef in recent years. You get me!

Tips for finding antique stores or auctions where prices are reasonable for early 30s couples on teacher salaries? Go for the less urban regions? I feel uncomfortable in any Bay Area shop because half of any given store is overpriced Goodwill crap and half appears to be quality but insane prices. I don’t encounter

Oh my Christ. A dream cometh true.

I too am on the ‘roommates are not friends’ side but feel like I’m in the minority. I had to move out of my first post-grad apartment after 3 mos because one of my roommates treated me as a personal therapist from the moment I got home til I locked myself in my room, even after numerous (gentle) confrontations. I then

Please just write these in the future for Jez. Yours is spot-on accurate.

Bell bottomed chickens!

It’s possible that it depends on where you work. During that apparently very snowy 2008-2009 winter I interned at one of the Smithsonian offices and I was told to not come in or leave early at least once a week from January to late Feb.

All of those words. I cannot believe he was shocked, it’s embarrassing. I’m in the US but understand it through context clues, like football. My god, have I learned about racism from football.

Are you there God? It's me, Planned Parenthood.