
Why apple gets away with this shit I will never understand:

Wow. One of the most eloquent (and impeccably-referenced) pieces of writing I’ve seen in a very long time. I hope Ms. Denhollander will continue to advocate for victims’ rights, as she seems to be brilliantly suited for the task. Unfortunately, many had to be hurt for this to come to light, but hopefully some good

it’s not a word. it’s an acronym. if you’re gonna be outraged over dumb shit, at least be correct.

To preface: I did not vote for Trump, do not like him, am a minority more concerned about my safety than a year ago and see no problem with you voicing your opinions on this website. I appreciate that you’re sharing how this problem might affect someone like your brother, which I definitely didn’t appreciate.

I don’t think you’re allowed to believe in natural selection if you’re Liberal and agree with social safety nets. Since they keep tons of “inferior dna” alive all the time.

I don’t know about the legality, but his mama failed to raise him right. It’s in the top 10 rules. You never hit a girl. Ever. Even if she deserves it. Even if she hits you first. Even if she has a punch like a wrecking ball. It’s how I was raised and it reflects poorly on him, reflex or not. Men protect women, end of

“I am eager to help you gain more experience ... with some ... hand ... under your belt!”