
Edit: whoops! Double post.

I don't know what site you read, but I've (rightfully) seen consistent anger re: Charlie Sheen and his not being held publicly accountable, at least in the comment sections. Also, I really have a hard time following that argument that because one abusive asshole was seemingly let off the hook, we should cease public

You know what? If Chris Brown has show any sign of sincere remorse and rehabilitation since this whole incident, I MIGHT be able to look at his face without disgust. Fuck, even if he just kept his mouth shut and pretended he was remorseful, I could deal (see Michael Vick). Since he has proven himself to be nothing but

No offense, but you must live a charmed life if this was one of the worst things you've ever seen. The hyperbole is a bit much. Also, let's remember that Bruce Spingsteen, Tom Petty and The Who also spend ungodly sums of money to produce their live shows.

Preach it, sister. Sadly, i would bet the same folks so horrified by a breastfeeding mother would also give the same mom crap if she opted to not feed in public and let the baby cry it out.

I swear to god, I will donate my savings to this woman if she is forced to pay those legal bills.

I'm laughing because of course most people would remember Cameron Diaz's name after meeting her once, even a total space cadet like KKB.

Love the True Blood ad couple with the post. How fitting!

As a liberal, I am actually getting quite tired of this being pointed out. Take it up with Vitter's constituents who re-elected him. Vitter got plenty of nasty press, but the citizens of Louisiana made the choice to keep him around.

I'm sorry, but did anyone bat an eyelash when Simon Cowell was paid, what, 20x his fellow judges? I say get your money, Xtina!

What I think happened: dick shot is indeed his, and it was found by a hacker and used by said hacker to embarrass Weiner (seriously, go over to KOs and read the bizarre chain of events leading up to that shot getting out publicly). Weiner is a victim here, but doesn't want to admit he has shoots of little weiner on

Debut meaning release. The Massacre was not 50's first album either...

I am not going to comment on Handler's assertion that RH of Atlanta is racist (pot, meet kettle) but I do appreciate her openness regarding her abortion. This is not something women should feel shameful of whatsoever and hopefully someone of her celebrity going public will help women feel more comfortable with the

Love it!

I think she was embarrassed, humiliated and wanted to avoid talking about the whole incident.

Even if everything you said turns out true, Bro Joe and Melissa are still 100% responsible for that brawl. All they had to do was put on their big girl and boy pants and say "thank you" when Theresa said "congratulations." Instead they made themselves look like unhinged lunatics by unnecessarily ruining their own

It seems like Bro Joe and Melissa's real beef steams from the fact that Teresa didn't get them cast on the show sooner based on their comments on the show and in the blogs.

I think it's more about convenience than anything else. Baena was there, she was willing and he didn't have to make much effort. I also tend to think a lot of the incredulity steams from the fact that the wives in these scandal (Maria, Elin and Sandra) are everything society tells us is "good" in a woman - beautiful,

Atonement was brutal.

Don't forget some people also seem to insist their Grandmother, Grandfather and Father somehow played a role in her death. Disgusting.