
They were never married, and Evan is not his son. Not saying Jim Carey isn't a jerk, but Ms. McCarthy is quite "special" herself.

Evan is not Jim Carey's son.

This is why I, once a political wonk of the highest order, have started turning out presidential election coverage. We have barely begun the 2012 election cycle, and we're already speculating on 2016?! It's never ending at this point - a media circle jerk of the highest order. Hillary won't say she will run because

With all the wonderful women who are singers/songwriters/musicians out there, why would we ask bruce spingsteen to sing from our perspective? maybe the author could appreciate spingsteen on his own merits, and then check out adele, or tori amos, or beyonce, or dolly parton, or joni mitchell, or carly simon, or carol

I think it's a combination of people being sadly ill-informed as to where the bulk of their tax dollars go and totally unwilling to compromise on entitlements and the defense budget.

I know. And god forbid we have arts and culture in this fine nation of ours! Don't want to be like those Euro socialists all readin' and learnin' and artin' now do we?

"Planned Parenthood, we’re going to get rid of that. The subsidy for Amtrack, I’d eliminate that. The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities …" What a "fiscal conservative" hack. That'll really put a dent in the budget, Mittens. I'm sure you've just saved the taxpayers a whole,

LiLo is such an interesting brand of celebrity. I don't think I know of anyone else who commands such fierce apologists and such intense haters. There's seemingly no middle ground.

I just about died reading that line too. Talk about unsexy! I quick Google search, and I could find free, online erotica that's 10x better than this tripe.

I'm starting to feel secondhand embarrassment for the right. I mean, this is the best dirt they have on Obama? At least Clinton gave them some juicy sexual escapades we could all be faux outraged over. But hugging a well-respected, Harvard Law professor? Okie dokie then.

I don't know enough about Kony 2012, so I'll refrain about commenting on the campaign/organization. That said, what irks me about this particular awareness campaign is that several fashion and lifestyle bloggers I read have posted the video saying something like "O.M.G. this video changed my life" and that was it. No

Yeah, I hate the break the crazy to you but it's not a matter of time. Newt Gingrich has claimed on several news outlets that (and this is a direct quote, mind you) "Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing infanticide."

Got it. Thank you for the explanation.

"She said only Barnes & Noble business cards were authorized to be placed on any of the store's tables." Wait, what? Did you mean were NOT authorized?

Wait, Sarah who? This person is totally irrelevant to the national dialogue at this point, so she can fade into obscurity as far as I'm concerned. She really thought she'd be a kingmaker in this election cycle, but even conservatives seem to be distancing themselves at this point.

What the fuck? Do people not know how baby-making occurs? It takes both sperm and egg, last time I checked. So why don't we have a dialogue about all the dead-beat fathers in this fine country of ours? Oh wait, that's right. Cause women are sluts who deserve what they get. So let me get this right: no we can't have

No, no. Don't fuck him. For the love of god, no woman should ever fuck this asshole per his own wishes. Keep it closed to the Foster, dears.

It's a Frenchie. The ears and flatter snout give it away, at least according to this proud Frenchie momma.

Angie Jordan so would not put up with Chris Brown's shit.

I don't disagree with your point, I guess I am just confused as to why you think Chris Brown has been more vilified when he had a top selling album this past year and just received a Grammy. If anything, it seems like the public's adoration of him is at a high point. But if you are specifically talking about this