
The UK has notoriously strict libel and anti-paparazzi laws. I sincerely doubt it is the Royal Family keeping this film from airing but rather the law. Would be nice if the author of this post took time to investigate the specific reason its not airing instead of just assuming the Royal Family is behind the

I'm so torn! When I heard "McQueen" I thought it was going to be outrageous and daring. I should have known better. While I was underwhelmed at first, it's growing on me. I guess the beautiful thing about it is it will never look insanely outdated in 10 years like Diana's did. It's a classic, elegant style.

This whole story has left me incredibly sad. Barack Obama had the cards stacked against him from DAY ONE. Here is a man who by all statistical accounts should have been a failure, but instead he became the motherfucking POTUS by HIS OWN MERITS AND TALENTS. Do we as a society celebrate this? No. We've hounded this

I wish the media would stop trying to make these two happen. Frankly, their courtship is refreshingly boring and kinda average: a boy and girl kid meet in college, break-up, get back together, rinse and repeat until they're approaching their 30s and decide to make a go of it. No scandal. No intrigue. They seem to

Did anyone else catch what Jill was wearing on WWH? Atrocious. Oh, and that she dressed her horrendous little dog in a kimono in honor of Japan. WTF? Talk about a total lack of self-awareness. I used to love Jill, now I can barely stand the sight of her.

I am usually a stickler for this rule, but for a daytime, garden wedding I tend to think ivory is more appropriate than black (what Jill was wearing).

@chickachicka: You know, I would love to see an analysis on how much of unnecessary intervention is actually done in order to minimize the OB/GYN's liability and deliver in a set of very controlled circumstances. Bottom line: our whole health care system stinks for both doctors and patients and medical decisions are

@FauxPas: Do you know how dangerous childbirth was for both mother and baby before modern medicine? I am by no means advocating against natural childbirth if a mother wants it (I think it is amazing), but let's not straw man please.

Hey, let's play the game where we criticize a film none of us has seen! Anydoodle, a movie with both Maya Rudolph and Kristen Wiig I am more than willing to give a chance.

He forgot to add: "because I fell in love with my best friend, aka the only woman in America who would have me."

If I could vote in the Republican primaries I would vote for her, you betcha! I would consider it payback for Rush's Operation Chaos.

Sorry, but the rose on Portman's dress is straight-up Lisa Frank.

I feel like marigold should be vetoed from the red carpet henceforth. Every dress is inevitably compared to Michelle Williams' iconic Oscar dress and pales by comparison.

That bribery between Joe and Jackie has been featured in several other other miniseries on the Kennedy's, so that can't be the straw that broke the camel's back.

@Bad Ash: Well this wasn't a question of where or not to serve her. She was drinking water. Also, I just looked at the menu and online reviews. It looks like this is a low-key bar that serves food, more pub than club. An online reviewer mentioned a little-league team came in while he was there. So this place has no

No history of violence? It bears repeating that he beat the shit out of his wife on more than one occasion. Wow. Monday morning and I have a case of the ragies.

@Penny: I honestly think it's in part to garner additional sympathy. Not only were you raped, but horror of horrors the man who raped you was a person of color! It plays into our society's (read: white male) deepest fears of our precious white women being defiled by Black/Latino men. It's ugly.

@SarahMC: Couples who INSIST on even numbers for the wedding party strike me as way over-thinking their entire affair.

I honestly find the groom-to-be's email the more bizarre of the two. Also, if you have concerns about a couple the very last thing you should do is stand witness at their marriage. She did the right thing by bowing out, albeit in a very uncouth manner.

Anyone else find the timing of this column particularly disturbing given Scalia's recent assertions that women are not inheritly granted protections within the Constitution? What a week. Sadly, I think this is a real harbinger of things to come with our awesome new Tea Party Congress!