
how can we arrange a date between robert and karen owen? seems like they would have oh-so much in common!

Oh for fuck's sake, Heidi. THAT'S what you're so "humiliated" over? Guess what? I have several scars on my face from a childhood accident, uneven boobs and nostrils (from mother nature) and lumpy legs (it's called cellulite). As I am a human being, I have slight imperfections all over my damn body, as do we all.

This is awesome. The only way it could get better is if Obama yelled, "SUCK IT, MCCAIN!" at the end of his speech. But I'm not bitter that old, cranky jerk held this up so long, no sir.

If there is no such thing as a former addict guess there is no need for Celebrity Rehab, Dr. Drew. Now STFU and mind your business.

OH.MY.GOD. I think I was so enraged reading that I just blacked out for a moment.

@Morning Gloria: It's really frustrating isn't it? Yes, corporations promote unhealthy crap to consumers all the time and we as a society should certainly be keeping a watchful eye on their tactics, but when did the concept of personal/parental/consumer responsibility leave the debate entirely?

Color me crazy, but I have some happy memories of McDonald's as a kid. My parents took me their for special occasions - maybe once every couple of months. It was an illicit thrill each and every time. Sure, I whined and complained for more frequent visits but my parents (being parents) did not give into my complaints.

@applejacks: Polishing? Jeez, where is my head? Publishing!

@laureltreedaphne: I used to work in book polishing. I interviewed at HarperCollins where a senior level editor (male) asked me if I was sure I wanted to work there because "Judith is a special kind of cunt." Needless to say I did not return to Harper when asked to come in for a second round interview.

Hey, remember when she published OJ's hilarious tongue and cheek memoir, "If I Did It?" God, what a piece of work she is.

@lollilove: The VD kinda made me love her more. Makes me happy Bea had some sexy times.

@Weiner: You're right. We all spend our days rhapsodizing about Charles and Camilla. /sarcasm. Seriously, though, the tone of this article seems pretty tongue and cheek towards the royals to me.

@TopLevelExecutive: I'm sincerely curious when Griffin has ever touched race in her act. I don't recall her doing so, but perhaps I have missed something?

@Zulkey: I almost posted the exact same thought, but instead I am going to respond to yours with an "amen" and add she was being lazy and went for the easiest take down.

You know, at some point who wronged who in the whole Angie/Jen/Brad sage just becomes a moot point. At this point I think Angie and Brad have been together for longer than Brand and Jen were married plus they have several children together, while Jen seems to be having a kick-ass time being a footloose and fancy-free

@AthertonMerriweather: Not to divert the conversation, but I scoop my bagels. Most bagels today are too...bready and soft...and I like my bagel as nature intended: chewy. Ok, carry on!

@Hooplehead: I would consider a tier system for security. Flight crew subject to background checks (including pilots and flight attendants) should be automatically waved through. American citizens (regardless of race, religion, ethnicity) or frequent, known travelers to America should be subject to basic levels of

@BearDownCBears: The Dutch supposedly have body scanners that are able to see internally implanted devices using radio waves (not radiation) all the while projecting a mannequin image that removes details of the human body in question. So far the TSA has refused to comment why they are not using these machines

@jespree: Yes, I know that. It may not be rational, but at least the radiation on the airplane is in the course of achieving something productive. Getting blasted for as an unproven security measure, however, does not sit well with me.

@NapalmKitty: I was honestly wondering this myself. I am assuming a tampon shows up in the body scan? Given we've seen terrorists insert bombs into body cavities before, are women going to be asked to prove it's a sanitary device? Again, honest question...