
@Penny: My grandmother had breast cancer. My mom has breast cancer. The odds are highly likely that I will have breast cancer. I found it disconcerting that in order to fly I now have a choice between an unnecessary dose of radiation or a physical groping. Add the fact that neither one seems to make the public any

Reading the full story of the flight attendant forced to removed her prosthetic breast has me shaking with rage. These invasive methods are just ridiculous security theater designed to make the American public think the TSA has a handle on terrorism. I honestly am dreading the next time I have to fly.

Morgan was the cream of the jerk crop on the show, but Zach and Heather also deserve to be called out for their consistently nasty commentary about the other contestants. Yigit was the only member of "Team Diva" that had some class and kudos to him on the win. On another note, this show sp felt so flat and dull to me.

Now playing

Chris Rock has an amazing riff about Alpine, New Jersey and how there are only 5 black people living there: himself, Jay Z, Eddie Murphy and Mary J. Blige. Comedy as social commentary = laughing through the pain.

@Glitterbug: Yes, the British monarchy is a living, breathing institution, a tie to a thousand years of national history. It's not easy to let go of something so symbolic to national identity. In fact, why don't we Americans just raze the White House cause who wants tax payers footing the bill for that nonsense?

Wow, score for the British actresses. First Scarlett now Daisy. Seriously, good for Carey. I have a feeling she'll be excellent.

@yeahisaidit: Frankly, you have little understanding of the history of the country and its government you're criticizing. Apart from that, I will just point out that the amount of money the royal family brings into the England via tourism apparently seems to make them worth keeping around.

@roodles: First, that actually has nothing to do with why England is no longer the world's super power. Second, you're a tad condescending, don't you think? We worship Hollywood celebs, a practice just as ridiculous if you ask me.

I could give my personal perspective but at the end of the day there is just no right or wrong answer here. Instead of asking "do all girls schools have an advantage?" the question should be "would my particular daughter have an advantage at an all girls school?"

@yeimi: They're not marketed to a very conservative audience. Remember what happened the Dixie Chicks? Country music fans aren't terribly forgiving.

Haters to the left. I was at the rally and saw a mass of polite, educated and conscientious peoples sick of being unrecognized by both the media and our politicians in favor of the extreme right and left in this country. You really see no value in demonstrating en mass that the majority of this country sees value in

@bluebears: Ah yes, of course! It's the Gawker way, after all.

@crocuta: That's one of my beefs with the story. How cowardly to publish it anonymously. All I have to go by are some innocent looking pictures of her in a tame costume and a one-sided account from a nameless, faceless source. Ok then.

@bluebears: Yeah, I really don't get how this disgusting article "outed" her as a hypocrite. Most people already realized she was a nutty, two-faced clown based on failure of a campaign. She was sinking her own ship. What was the point of this?

I really thought it the eye makeup could not get any worse, but the little whipper snapper sure proved me wrong!

@alchematrix: thank you for posting this. i am now reading her blog and quite enjoying it. she's beautiful!

@keldo: Wow, she really went there. It's the weight version of "But I am friends with black people!" I am sure her "fatty" friends are loving her right now.

I would like to grab a beer with Beth. She seems awesome. That is all.

Nothing says "family man" quite like going on a bender and hiring a prostitute to service you with your young daughters next door. I can't believe people still tune into this douche's lame sitcom.

@bluebears: he also probably didn't have the star power and subsequent leverage then that he does now. i applaud him for using his new found fame to get mel out.