
and to top it off, of course only the thin, white girls on the show are suitable for this ridiculous shoot. i know the others escaped a bullet, but it pisses me off nonetheless. UGG!

I don't have a problem with the message (would have been a fierce interview in Bitch or the like) but where the message is being delivered. I have never read "Revolver" but I can only assume it's geared towards an older male audience? Call me old fashioned, but grown men reading about this young woman's masturbation

OK, can we just clarify something I think is important? In listening to the conversation, I think it's clear that the word "whore" was being used in the political sense, i.e. she "whored" herself out to special interests. I am 99% confident that the Brown team would have used the same term if his opponent was a man,

Nothing like some good old-fashioned concern trolling from the Today Show.

@Daveed: Daily Intel is anonymous as this should have been, thank you very much.

You know what? This sucks. I would be absolutely humiliated if a man ever posted pictures of me along with detailed evaluations of my sexual performance (good or bad). Can't we have some sympathy for who were reduced to numbers for her and her friends' entertainment? Blech, this is so swarmy. I'm highly disappointed

I see your point about movie portrayals of icons, but offer you one stunning counterpoint: helen mirren as queen elizabeth.

please tell me taylor swift is joking. i am experiencing secondhand embarrassment right now.

i think silverman did the mtv movie awards.

ladies, what can we do to get danielle and kelly their own show together? now THAT would be entertaining.

@J.D.Regent: Roger would be a great househusband.

Frankly, I think it is Roger who wants children, not Rachel. She seems invested in her career, and I don't see her taking the time to slow down from career she adores to get pregnant and/or adopt a child. Her prerogative. I kinda wish Roger would either accept this fact and stop bugging her or move on and find a

i must be losing it because i think she looks adorable on the cover.

@pond-side-over: katie couric handled her like a pro for exactly this reason.

@FroderickFronkensteen: i believe that would be shaving cream standing in for whipped. you don't get that kind of coverage with whipped. please don't ask how i know that. ;)

@MySandwich: As a New Yorker, I respectfully want to point out that the only person who seems to have made this an issue is the author of this article.

What to the what? As a longtime New Yorker, this reeks of faux outrage. Not one person I know is upset by the "delay." P.S. Did Bush rush off to London to memorialize 7/7?

@wordinedgewise: that's actually a delicious point. team hard work!

kelly is a walking testament to the fact that beautiful people get a free pass in our society. this dumb ass coasted to wealth and privilege without having to develop any intellectual abilities whatsoever. karma's a bitch, though, and age is about to take away her one advantage. i actually legitimately feel sorry for