
@madgetheripper: my question exactly. while i would not be surprised in the least if she was legitimately discriminated against because of her looks and i am going to continue to give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being, the more i see and hear of her the more i am wondering if she isn't just a really good

@rd2uk: true, true. it just annoys me to see this two jackholes mugging for their 15 minutes. hopefully the people they're ripped off will sue for some of their "real housewives" money.

@rd2uk: people lost their jobs within the administration over their little stunt, plus these jerks have a notorious reputation for being grifters and financially screwing over any number of businesses and individuals in the D.C. area. i think it was WAPO that did an epic piece on their history of being total losers.

@RenoMartini: sojna's last name is morgan - as in j.p. morgan. she married the heir to the fortune.

@Nessienessa: my rosacea is very pronounced on my cheeks, and that's exactly what my skin looks like without makeup. wouldn't be surprised if good, old kathie lee got the irish skin/rosacea one-two redness punch i have.

honestly, i live 3,000 miles away from my mother and speak to her maybe 2x a month. does it make me sad? yes. does it keep me sane? absolutely. my mother is charming and wonderful in so many ways, but she is also very emotionally toxic and manipulative. she very much damaged my childhood, but the payoff is i get to

@roodles: dude, seriously. this girl has the pipes of her generation. ke$ha fucking wishes. anywho, i remember watching xtina on SNL and admiring her martini-dry wit. i think she's joking here?

he was one of the few celebs to take on roman roman polanski and the rest of hollywood for signing that stupid petition in his defense. take the good with the bad, i guess.

@netfe: i hear you. the responsible thing to do in that case is the acknowledge kate is the only one in this instance who can adequately support this family and step-up to the plate accordingly. trying to score PR points ain't the way to go about this.

i really can't believe i am defending kate gosselin here, but the woman is making a living for her family because her ex refuses to get off his ass and work. besides, he's seemed more interesting in screwing 20 year old woman than spending time with his kids. absentee father, much?

ironically i like her hair so much more in the before shot. she looks fresh and modern and sleek. in the after shot she looks so outdated. slap on an ed hardy hat and send her back to 2003.

@coffeeandtv: do brad and angelina matter? they have their tabloid fodder, we have ours.

i'm a natural cynic, but this strikes as something people claim they would be fine with in theory but not in practice. see reaction to our first black president.

i reading some of these comments has baffled me. as a white woman, i would never presume to understand the experiences of black women in this country. comparably, you know how we all bitch about men legislating our reproductive rights? why is it so hard for people to admit that there are some

what doesn't seem clear is what activity defines an hour a day of exercise. are they talking about an intense cardio workout, or do they simply mean move your body via low-impact activities like walking, house cleaning, gardening etc. i agree we should all move our bodies, but running 6 miles a day seems unrealistic.

oh fuck it, i am body snaking. a swastika right near your vagina is straight-up disgusting.

@cate3710: wow, some designer is sweating bullets right now. at least she seems to be laughing it off.

jeez demi. yes, it was clearly chopped, but who cares? everyone already thinks you are fabulous/drinking the blood of virgins/sipping from the fountain of eternal youth. trust.

@lauraholtsteele: this is a sleazy little trick that networks use all the time. they claim they don't pay for interviews, etc. but they offer up boatloads of cash in exchange for "photo rights." it's dishonest to viewers, and, in my opinion, highly unethical. but then who really thinks the big networks actually