
also, i suspect (as many others are implying) the real reason for the withdrawal was that she or her pr flaks forgot to submit her name in the first place and then came up with this self-aggrandizing story to cover up what was just a stupid mistake. bottom line - i have a hard time believing anyone in hollywood would

as i said on this topic when it was posted YESTERDAY, what bothers me about heigl is not that she speaks out, but that she does not put her money where her mouth is. for someone who is constantly bitching about the portrayal of women in tv and movies, she sure does accept a lot of stupid roles (gray's, knocked-up and

can i just say that for someone who constantly bitches about how female characters are portrayed, heigel sure does accept a lot of craptastic roles. see 27 dresses, knocked up and greys.

daria anyone?

murphy brown rocked my world.

i have to say i am so sick of my support of obama as somehow translating into an anti-feminist sentiment. maybe, just maybe!, i genuinely feel obama is the better candidate?

seriously - any self-respecting man or woman would run in the opposite direction after reading this sort of gushing by their partner 4 months into a relationship. it's way too much, too soon.

lindsay - dear, god. what is with the blond hair obsession? it ages you at least 10 years. why not keep your gorgeous, red hair?!

she's filming a movie. i bet she's "in character" and has had full hair and makeup here. cute girl, but i find her personality and film/tv roles choice bland.

omg - i just noticed the gold nike high-tops.

@jenndavo: trust me, you're not alone. something about her rubs me the wrong way. i want to like her, but i.just.can't.

that dress is a little too short for someone as young as little ms. breslin. of course, she's still adorable.

stay classy, jezebel. stay classy.

i love how people use the freedom of speech argument to justify their "pride" of america and then turn around and immediately crap all over someone who expresses genuine concern about the direction this country is headed in. come on,folkss. you can love your country and express that fact there are some deeply

i can't be the only one who finds this photo shoot incredibly cheap looking and not the least bit artistic, can i? looks straight out of "perfect 10."

women celebrities are indeed more heavily scrutinized in these "meltdown" instances. i would also argue that the type of celebrities these girls are - the britneys, the lindseys, and their ilk - make them more susceptible to media coverage. let's face it - these girls are hardly famous for talent; they're mostly

wasn't this movie called "down with love"?

jesus h. christ - wear some pant already!