
before jumping on the it's lack of birth control/abstinence education/lack of abortion bandwagon,i would be interesting in seeming some statistics on which socio-economic groups are actually the ones giving birth. i couldn't access the linked article, so my apologies if it was already covered. in any case, as someone

i watched the morning shows this morning while getting ready for work and saw no coverage of britney. in fact, the first i heard of all this nonsense was on this site, but then i *gasp* manage to live my life without cable television. maintaining an existence that's blissfully free of 24 hour news channels was a

who in america is this guy hanging out with? i think he's describing maybe 1% of the population in los angeles and new york - all models. the rest of us "common folk" relate far more with the british women he's describing as so "unkempt." what a douche.

perhaps it's ignorant on my part, but i always thought the assumption was behind those powerful/rich men is a beautiful woman, of which michelle is no exception.

while not unattractive, i think heidi looks (not to mention acts) completely vacant. nothing interesting or compelling about her whatsoever.

she-pratt was more than a bit greasy. blotting sheets are your friend, girl.

it's really a commentary on our sad society that an 11 year-old girl is mercilessly picked on BY ADULTS for not waxing. she's 11 years old, for crying out loud. she looks entirely age appropriate. next thing you know, the fucking idiot perez is going to be demanding she also wax her bikini line while she's at it.

what's bonnie's beef with brangelina about? is she projecting? cause i'm just SURE bonnie's in-laws love her.

i think she's been getting diet tips from janet jackson. the weight fluctuations are extreme. she's lucky she carries extra poundage well.

dlisted is going with ashley tisdale as the "starlet." best guess thus far.

sadly, i'm almost positive that shot of brit brit is from 2007, not 2003. She's chasing the trending train, but lagging way behind, y'all!

also, what was with spencer staring manically at heidi while she applied her makeup?

The similarity between the two new noses is a bit disturbing. Did Bun bring a pic of Heidi's new schnoze with her to the surgeon?

so let me get this straight - to be a post-post feminist role model, all i have to do is induldge in recklessly self-destructive behavior? in that case, i think you'll find your average girls gone wild dvd is chock-full of this generation's gloria steinems.