
I find that bras aren't a major space problem (and I say this as a g cup). You can oftentimes fold them in half, and then use the cup to hold other small items (socks, underwear, jewelry, etc.). For me the problem is always shoes.

Well, my happiness won't get worse than it is now until I hit $200,000. So if I could make either $100,000 (and optimize my happiness) or make about $175,000 (which is less happy than $100,000, but it's nearly 2x the money) that would be great.

Same thing happened to me, but change movie theater to office and grandma to male colleague. I have never been so disappointed at being unable to fart. Ever!

Sometimes it's not about poop shyness. Sometimes it's about not wanting someone else to witness your one-player game of "Battleshits" (see "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle").

That situation calls for a good, long, satisfying fart.

Seriously! I'm not a small woman, but I can generally use the regular stalls with no problems. But I have encountered some stalls that made me wonder whether the designers actually intended them for use by humans of any size. Doors that open in and have only 1-2" of clearance between them and the toilet. One had

Seriously! Why is this so hard for people to understand? I am so compulsive about this that even when I was 9 months pregnant and weighed 270 pounds, I would still contort myself to fit into a regular stall. I cursed many a bathroom designer, let me tell you. Why would you make a door open in and only leave 1-2"

This is very helpful. Apparently I am somewhere between a guy in an ironic t-shirt and a guy in a plaid shirt with a full beard and a banjo. Actually, that's about right.

I am totally excited to know that I am personally responsible for the deaths of little babies everywhere. Thankfully guilt is one of my most frequent emotions (right after "hungry for ice cream" and right before "tired, but I think it's too early to go to bed"), so the extra guilt doesn't really phase me anymore.

I have a 29 month old son. So in two years (well, 23 months), the baby girls he's perfect for will be born. Of course, I assume that their parents will not want them dating until they are older. I don't want him dating until he is older. And when they're teenagers, like hell they're going to want to listen to

Hyperbole. Learn about it.

This is awesome! In two years, I will start hanging out outside our local hospital handing a calling card to new parents walking out with baby girls. Give me a call in 20 years or so when your daughter wants to date a man exactly 52 months older than she is.

As a college freshman, I dated a senior. We were pretty compatible, but he went on to grad school out of state, and I started getting more involved in things on-campus. We were just at totally different places in our lives. Now, I'm 32 and a 4 year age difference seems like nothing.

My husband is only 6 months, 5 days older than I am, but he was excellent at getting a free t-shirt for opening a credit card. But he's pretty advanced.

I'll have to try to find a link somewhere, but there was a study done that compared breastfed and formula fed babies depending on when they started solid foods. That study defined overweight as at or above the 95th %ile on one of the childhood growth charts (either WHO or CDC). Among all breastfed babies, regardless

It's not necessarily free. I did the math, and formula feeding probably cost me about half what breastfeeding would have cost. I make $22.69/hour. If I need 3 x 20 minute breaks per day to pump and clean pump parts at work, and that time is unpaid, then I lose $22.69 per day x 5 days per week = $113.45/wk x 52

I don't know. My son barely likes grain products, and they are like meth-laced crack to me. Of course, I did have to lay off the carbs big time when I was pregnant with him because I had gestational diabetes, so maybe that skewed him toward fruits and vegetables and meat and dairy? And he was only breastfed for 6

By purchasing formula in this country, my son got to eat and not, you know, starve and get all dehydrated. Sorry my boobs broke. They didn't get the memo about how they have to function properly or else evil corporations win, women in developing countries get duped into not using their always-perfectly-functioning

To avoid rambling on and on about landlord-tenant law in my state (which I do enough during work hours) I will simply say that if the landlord doesn't have claims against you (for unpaid rent or damage to the apartment, for example), then yes, it is very often worth it. Small claims court is often the appropriate