For Mosa My Life

“He thinks he can’t help it.” Well that’s definitely part of the problem. He needs to understand that he is 100% in control of, and responsible for, his actions. We frequently don’t hold men responsible for certain types of behavior — which is why they learn to act this way.

Also, consider whether the sex scene is actually necessary to the narrative. Most of the time, it’s not.

Especially when you consider how often a sex scene is absolutely superfluous to the narrative being told. I saw Ewan McGregor talk about this in an interview a few years ago. He basically said that yes, sex scenes are horrible to shoot, but that he tries really hard to make sure that he chooses projects that aren’t

Because boys can do no wrong. From early childhood, girls are held to higher behavioral standards. I am at a conference right now, and we women have noticed that the men are too fucking special to push their chairs back in and not block the narrow aisles.

If she doesn’t like it then nobody should be asking her to do it. I seem to part company with a great many people by thinking this is absolutely fucking obvious. It’s not “part of the job”. It’s simulating sex with a coworker, which is not part of anyone’s job, and shouldn’t be, unless that person has freely chosen to

I work with a dude who is really trying to work on it. He’s not doing a great job, but he’s trying. He thinks he can’t help it and he interrupts everyone so it’s not a gender thing, but my female co-worker and I point out he never interrupts the male bosses, especially the one he’s trying to cultivate a bff

I’ve found shoes that were comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, but they generally fell apart within weeks. I found it better to just spend more money when better quality shoes were on sale when I started working at my current job some years ago.

Bobby, though I would miss you terribly if you ever left Jezebel, I think you have found your true calling, writing the scripts for the “reality” show known as KUWTK.

in the last few years the USWNT actually created MORE revenue than the men’s team for USSoccer. by your logic the women should be paid more than the men. Try again

Considering that the USWNT is the best team in the world, and the men’s team is middling at best, who gives a shit about revenues?

Yeah. Whenever people went on about the total impossibility of deporting all the undocumented people, I just said “They don’t actually want to deport that many people. What they want is to create a terrorized underclass who will work for even less money, never go to the police or authorities for crimes, and basically

The only thing the current immigration system has managed to definitively accomplish is the creation of an exploitable underclass. We need to stop pretending that this is a bug and not a feature.

Look, just because I’m being silent doesn’t mean I’m being silent. It just means I’m being. Silently.

Some background on Nick Loeb from IMDB:

One of my college roommates once grabbed me aside and said, “I know people can feel weird when others speak other languages in front of them - but don’t worry, I promise I’m not talking about you when I call my mom and suddenly switch into Russian. I AM, however, probably talking about Roommate X.”

Smokin’ hot. Also, he allegedly proposed to her in Spanish! I love those crazy kids.

Sofia definitely upgraded.

I’mma go out on a limb here and interpret the “classless” as a dig at the Spanish language, which is considered by many prejudiced white people as ugly-sounding and inferior to English, as a metaphor that is an extension of what Hispanics are considered to be. He seems to be kind of asshole who would have that stance,

Why the fuck would you marry someone who speaks another native language, and then expect them to never speak it again? That