At this rate, Mexico will pay for and build the wall just to keep Trump-supporters out.
At this rate, Mexico will pay for and build the wall just to keep Trump-supporters out.
At this rate, Mexico will pay for and build the wall just to keep Americans out.
My worst flying experience was with United Airlines, the second worst was with American. This is in spite of the time the Southwest Airlines plane plummeted through the air during turbulence and all the passengers thought we were going to die.
Thanks for finding me reasonable. It can be very hard to strike that balance on the Internet between being passionate and a dick, especially since tone doesn’t carry through very well.
It doesn’t seem right that she’s in prison, but after reading the piece and Gypsy’s own feelings about it, I think she needs it. Like, it’s somewhere outside of society where she’ll get to figure out who she is before she rejoins society.
I think because you talked about skinny-shaming, people interpreted that to mean you were maybe humblebragging about being skinny, when you were talking about how using “real world bodies” to refer to larger women was erasing the experiences of women of every size.
I suspect they subscribe to a false dichotomy of fat/skinny, and in their view, if you’re not fat, you’re therefore skinny.
I did a Ron Swanson giggle reading this comment.
This is funny because no one died.
It’s not necessarily skinny people; there’s an area between skinny (as represented on TV) and fat that tends to be overlooked in discussions of body size and shape, and the women who inhabit that area can feel overlooked. I’m not fat, nor am I slender enough to fit into a fashion sample size, but when people talk…
We should all go braless
I feel like TMZ jumped to the wrong conclusion. If Vin thinks of himself as the dad of the group, it’s plausible that he feels he needs to talk to The Rock as a dad figure. Going to the Rock’s trailer wouldn’t be an automatic admission of guilt.
The movie has decent scenes, but the women in the movie (both Katherine Heigl and Leslie Mann) are portrayed as buzzkills (although it also partially redeems itself by acknowledging the men’s behavior drove the women to be controlling and “funless”).
That’s actually some pretty good musicality and coordination!
Dude you’re kind of creepy because I went to her Instagram, and the shots you posted are pretty much the only shots of her in skimpy clothes.
Still, just last week, Trump said if his daughter Ivanka had been sexually harassed in the workplace, “I would like to think she would find another career or find another company.” His son Eric Trump echoed his father’s statements, saying on CBS This Morning that “Ivanka is a strong, powerful woman. She wouldn’t allow…
Where do I download and submit my membership?
My boyfriend and I argue over whether Emily or Lorelai is the better Gilmore. #TeamEmily
This. Many atheists (disclaimer, I’m atheist too) assume the pope has the ability to overturn millennia of doctrine as long as it’s done in the name of progress. They either don’t understand that it would fracture the Church or want to see the Church fractured.
How did I not know about this, and can someone help me set up a YouTube channel?