
And his brain. And his body.

I enjoyed this episode, but Jared’s “Hah, if only” definitely got the biggest laugh from me.

“I love beef pot pie, and only kind of like carrots.”

I really, really, really, really, REALLY hope B99 gets renewed. Really.

Gina “announcing” Olivia’s entrance and exit was kind of amazing.

Was it deliberate to have Justina Machado involved heavily again in an episode featuring the family matriarch becoming a citizen? I’m going to take it as that. Also, if you haven’t seen One Day at a Time, it’s worth it just for Ivonne Coll’s guest spot as a VERY different character than Alba.

William: I hate you dad, I’m moving in with mom

Diaz: “You’re a lawyer now?”

The funniest and most ridiculous part of the episode was Evil Laurel reading a law book for an hour and giving the actual ADA the idea to impeach Oliver. I mean, they really must think their audience is stupid, lmao.

He has been making the right calls! Diggle might have had a long pretty speech but so much of what he said just made him look stupid. I mean Oliver has a legit point about having to save Rene cos Diggle was out here roiding but John then comes back by bringing up Rene being in hospital. Those 2 things are so insanely

I don’t and probably never will have the energy to watch it again, but has Diggle really been the voice of caution this season? That seemed like a whole bunch a bullshit to me because as far as I’ve been watching he and Oliver have been in sync with their big decisions. I didn’t like this episode at all to be honest.

I can’t fathom that Ollie’s self-sufficient (for his age) son needs more parenting than Diggle’s recently reality-swapped toddler? CARE FOR YOUR CHILD, DIG!

Add to Oli before saying “Its just a costume, what does it matter?”

- This entire episode is built on the fact that Ollie has been in the wrong all season. Except... he hasn’t. Ollie’s been making the right choices for the most part all season and, in general, has been the only character that’s been sane so far.

Diggle being confused about the motivations for his conflict, and Lyla saying, “Yeah, no one likes what’s going on right now” - that’s Arrow being absolutely, accidentally meta.

Why they don’t just put Curtis with Rene is beyond me. They’re prob the only 2 single people on the show with no love interest, they have good chemistry, and they won’t have to add another new character into their ensemble.

“They could dial Curtis’s schtick down one or two degrees on the dial and it would be a lot more charming.”

Less is more with Curtis, for sure. I appreciated that they remembered he’s an adult man with a libido, so his scenes were cute enough, but there wasn’t much chemistry with the Hot Cop.

An exploitative debt economy where those who can’t make their payments are sent to corporate goldfarming centers that operate like a worse version of 19th century debtors’ prisons.

Is there any nostalgia from 2020 0r 2025 or did pop culture magically stop in 2017?