Opening titles: I enjoyed the Facebook logo billboard turning into mock-Russian. There’s people crossing a bridge between Uber and Lyft, and green things falling from the Uber building... Not sure what that is.
Opening titles: I enjoyed the Facebook logo billboard turning into mock-Russian. There’s people crossing a bridge between Uber and Lyft, and green things falling from the Uber building... Not sure what that is.
I very much enjoyed them both tripping on the outlet boxes in the opening scene.
“You know what? Fuck you guys. I don’t want you working on my box. It’s too good for you. ‘Antiquated?’ Why did you all take my money then, you entitled little pricks? You all think you’re John Lennon until someone waves a dollar in your face!”
Jared’s nonchalant trauma slips are so fucking funny, Zach Woods is incredible.
See also: Daniel Craig’s miraculous return to the Bond series after saying he’d rather slit his wrists with shards of glass than play the character again.
You were probably expecting there to be two of him.
um, The Jason Segel penned movie and its sequel were great
Remember when the guy who voiced Yoda in The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith didn’t want to be in Jason Segel’s Muppet movie because it “wasn’t true to the characters”?
Well, it’s not quite a mop, and it’s not quite a puppet, but to answer your question, I don’t know.
Hey, The Muppets is more than decent. It’s good, even.
Agreed. One of my complaints about the first Pacific Rim was that almost all of the battles took place in rainy darkness. The true test of your special effects team is to make that look convincing in broad daylight.
Does anyone really come to B99 for the plot? The only time a B99 plot matters is the Halloween specials. Otherwise I want jokes and the crew making me feel fleetingly good about the world because they’re in it until I remember that oh yeah, they’re not real cops, cops are definitely not like this at all.
I have the same quibbles about the story too, but when a show makes me laugh and laugh often — from poor Rosa’s undercover salon stint from (her) hell, the frequent belly scoots out of the room (“I’m sorry you had to sit through that absurd conversation” *scootscootscoot*), and Holt’s super-formal texts — I can live…
Yeah, definitely don’t see how this is a C episode, personally. This was a great episode that really gave us a fun pairing with Kevin & Jake. The Nicolas Cage gags were a delight
My favorite thing about the episode might have been the whole texting scene; I started cracking up as soon as Holt’s text started with “Dear Jake.”
having a jake/kevin episode kick off this back half of the season, for me, couldn’t have been more perfect. along with gina’s gossip, rosa’s blonde perm, captain holt’s text messages, library perverts, nic cage, shred pile, i loved it and was laughing nonstop. i’ll probably post quotes after i watch again later.
You know, it would be pretty awesome if the Avengers and associated good guys were all but defeated, and Thanos was gloating over his assumed victory, and then Barton came out of nowhere after being absent for most of the movie, and killed him effortlessly with a perfectly placed arrow to the eye. The head of the…
It’s nice to see this show getting the respect it deserves. It’d be nice to get reviews!