
This is actually, comedically, hilariously bad-looking:

Good God, that’s horrible.

I kind of love the honest, purposeful look of steelies. No pretense, just “I’m round and hold a tire” looks.


...and the side-seated passengers would take it right in the face!

Yes, those plexiglass will turn into flying death shards in event of impact.

Will never happen. My Father in Law is a now retired 747 pilot, flight engineer (back when planes still had the 3rd seat), and aircraft mechanic. He said, they (I use they, because I can’t remember which airline he said) experimented with rearward facing seats in 70s or 80s because they thought that rapid deceleration

Not only that, the Midlands are the heart of the world motorsport industry. There’s no greater concentration of race vehicle manufacturers anywhere in the world as far as I know.

In the UK we might say “I refer you to the reply given in Arkell and Pressdram”

Yeah, god forbid they actually act like responsible corporate “citizens” by paying their workers a decent wage, setting aside a little money for a rainy day, and not greedily lapping up huge tax cuts and spending all the money on stock buybacks to artificially inflate their value to keep Wall Street happy.

Fiat Chrysler said today it’s pausing production for the next two weeks at the majority of its plants in Europe in order to keep its staff safe and to “give people a break from these rolling shitboxes”.

Man...if you think that’s better looking than the K900, then, well, I’d hate to have your eyes.

Can the IIHS tackle DRL LEDs that are so bright the driver thinks their headlights are on even when they’re not? I run into this all the time now, because dashboards are always lit, even with the headlights off, and DRLs are so bright the owners think their lights are on. I’ve been stuck behind someone without their

I hate red turn signals so so much. I even got cut off by a cop (expedition) once because my peripheral vision didn’t realize the red blinking light was a turn signal. Thought he was just on and off the brakes coming to a stop at a light.

I actually feel the opposite. I have no issue driving with traditional headlights, the only issues I encounter are being blinded by other cars on the road with aircraft spotlights, and the incredible amount of glare that all of the LCD displays inside of modern cars produce.

I like your take and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Can we start a “more sidewalls” community?

Ooooh? You have 3 Lancias? Which ones? I’m asking too many questions but what ever, they are my favourite Italian car make possibly.

And my only hope from this merger, Make Lancia Great Again! MLGA. Sort of a shit acronym, but it’s irrelevant. I swear if they leave Lancia to die, I’ll never buy a FCA or PSA product again... not that I’ve bought one yet...

Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.

Every time I drive to my parent’s house (184 miles) I try to set a person best record for the shortest drive time. I always try to beat the Waze/Google maps ETA.