
You gotta be shittin me? With a front like that? With those teeth? Almost perfect? I’d rather have a Pontiac Aztek! This even makes Bangle’s monstrosities look pretty - I can’t believe someone was actually paid with money to ‘design’ it. Really, I wouldn’t be seen dead in one (that’s right - it would even make a

Just pour a bucket of hot water over it - works for my 2000 MY Lancia (in France). Then I throw the rest on the windshield.

Corvair - without a shadow of doubt.

And it has STEEL WHEELS!!! Way to go!

Great article, and I agree 100%. Stripper models (as we call them in Britain - sounds vaguely kinky) rule! The Corvair 500 is the best vehicle ever built, and the Mk1 Escort was a great car, but the best version was the 1.1 liter base model that I learned to drive on, not all the rally specials people now pay 60-70

Just be happy your neighbors only dimed you out to the authorities. I am English, and I have had to move house twice because similarly killjoy neighbors simply decided to vandalize my cars at night instead. Pretty hard to counter (it was in the days before CCTV and motion sensor cameras), because you have to be

Plus all the loose crap that you have lying all over your seats and dash flies out of the car and gets lost. Convertibles need to come with a large, lockable safe instead of or under the passenger seat.

The Torch has it, assuming a Mercedes Pagode is beyond budget...

Better in the event of a crash, as the forces press you back into your seat rather than forwards face-first into the one in front of you...

In Europe at least, around 40-50% of the ticket price is tax, so all we have to do is persuade governments to be less greedy and rapacious, and then we could all go first class...

I’m not sure I particularly fancy the idea of sitting strapped in my seat with my head surrounded by brittle perspex/plexiglas in the event of a crash...

Kinda true, but a fair bit south of Derbyshire (in British terms, so not at all far in most people’s terms). The motorsport is clustered around Silverstone / Bicester / Banbury, so around 60-80 miles south of Derbyshire, and around 30 south of Coventry. To a Brit that’s HUGE... 😀😀😀

I’m in the foothills of the Alps (Brit living in southern France, at the southern edge of the Vercors, the plateau that Chamrousse is on the northern side of, and about 60 miles away from it). I wonder if it is anywhere near your ‘foothills of the Apps’ location - yours sounds like a better investment prospect...

And Derbyshire (where I am from) is a stone’s throw from Coventry, Brown’s Lane, Longbridge, etc. - the heart of the British motor industry

Fantastic - I am British and an Eye fan, but I hadn’t come across that.

Anything I am selling, if anyone offers me more than 15% below the asking price, they can go hang. Over 15% under my price I don’t even reply, less than that under my price, they get a polite reply saying I do not gouge on prices and I expect my buyers not to lowball me. I usually advertise my goods for what I think

Not sure I could live with the hair lip - they’ve fixed the back but now they’ve f***ed the front. Hondas looked great until circa 1992 (remember the CRX?), and then (to quote Jeremy Clarkson) they hired the guy with the paper bag over his head to design their cars. I even know where they hired him from. Fiat...

Not ones of this vintage. We did 250000 miles in both a Golf and a Beetle with the 1.9L 90 bhp 1Z engine, both on the original turbos, and we never had any problems with the timing belts (we did change them at the recommended intervals, though). I think you are thinking of later models, which are significantly less

Small engines are great, but they are great in small cars. Small engines are rubbish in big cars, because they are slow, uneconomical, and the car has to be ludicrously low-geared to give it the slightest chance of getting of its own way.

That’s what ultimately brought Hitler down, too. he had real quality people to pick from, but he fired them all and replaced them with ass-kissers and yesmen, with the predictable result that the quality of his administration absolutely sucked from then on.