“I’m just gonna tell you right now that you have no fucking clue how much time and effort and energy Tyler put into Foxtrot Alpha.”
e60 M5. Only supercar to ever wear a 4 dr sedan bodyshell - there have been faster cars but nothing with this exotic a drivetrain. The e60's styling has aged amazingly well and nobody is ever going to build a 4 dr car with a 10W-60 drinking, $5k a year in maintenance needing, back breaking SMG shifting 9 mpg V10…
Because we don’t throw “all their issues aside”
If you can’t brake fast enough to avoid a collision with the person in front of you, then you shouldn’t be driving that close to them. That’s why when you hit someone from behind it’s always your fault. Is the person in front a dick? Yes. Is the person behind at fault? Also yes.
I think people are missing the merging traffic in the video. If he merged in front of the truck, he would have to slow down right away and be and obstruction to the truck. The driver on reddit also said that he was towing 8500 gallons of fuel (total weight of 80,000 lbs).
Exactly. He stayed left to let the car in from the right. Hard to tell his closing rate on the silver minivan, but he appeared to have the right to maintain his position in the left lane, at least at the time this incident occurred. This is not the Autobahn, you have some threshold to wait for a gap to move right and…
Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.
Trailblazer looked to be mere inches off the Edge’s rear bumper. If that isn’t a death wish on the part of the Chevy driver, I don’t know what is.
I flash my brakes at them first 3 times, if they continue to tailgate I slow down until they go around. This is of course on 2 lane roads. On 4 lane roads I am in the right lane 99% of the time (unless passing). Looks like the guy got what was coming to him IMO.
Doesn’t Apple have a reputation for good quality control and reliability for its products? Every person I know that uses Apple products (which is actually a fair amount of my friends/family members) say they bought an Apple [insert personal electronic device here] instead of Android/Windows/etc because they “just want…
I have no clever comment to make about your story so here is 10 minutes of British drivers swearing at other British drivers. Also I’ve recently learned that cunt is “literally the worst word” in Americanese so if you are American you might want to give this a miss, for everyone else enjoy.
Yes, there is. It’s a capital offense. (Murder of a police officer is an aggravating factor making someone eligible for the death penalty).
The idea is that a police officer is the representation of the people as a whole. When you kill an officer, you’re not just killing an individual person, but you’re also directly…
dude it would surprise you. law enforcement is just a calling for some. in my academy class, we had a big time chicago lawyer, a walmart store manager making well into the 100K range, a chemical engineer, tons of people with masters, and more. then you had guys like me, high school grads, book store clerks, elementary…
I don’t disagree with you that our service men and women do not get the recognition they deserve for their sacrifices. I just don’t think that this police procession could really be considered “politics” or “scare tactics”, it’s just a case of a small community losing one of their own in a senseless act of violence. I…
What a poor choice of venue for sounding your trumpet.
Nice, informed take on this.